Vaccine Truth
February 23, 20-11
by Christina England
Doctors across the UK have come under immense criticism after a survey revealed a catalogue of vaccine blunders. The Medical Defence Unit (MDU), who defends doctors accused of medical malpractice, carried out the survey. The results revealed that family doctors had been involved in vaccination blunders affecting 98 children and 10 adults over the last five years. These involved patients being given the wrong vaccine, the wrong dose of vaccine or were vaccinated without consent.
Amazingly, these errors included babies being administered the MMR shot ‘seven months’ before they should have been. In some instances children were given a meningitis shot when they should have been given the MMR.
Dawn Boyall speaking on behalf of the MDU had this to say to the Guardian 21st February 2011:
“In most of the cases the child or adult had to be monitored for any ill-effects from the wrong vaccine, wrong dose and so on. Obviously this will have caused some anxiety and inconvenience for the patients and parents concerned.”
Surprisingly she did not seem too concerned though because she continued by adding:
“Adverse reactions to the vaccination occurred in only four cases, mostly adults, including an asthmatic who felt poorly after getting a flu jab. But the patient had to be reimmunised with the right vaccine in the 56 cases involving a wrong drug, which caused them more discomfort.” (…)
The Department of Health when asked about the errors said that the National Health Service, while doing an excellent job in delivering the seasonal flu jabs, should make fewer mistakes.
Surely mistakes like this should not happen at all! This is gross medical negligence on the part of medical practitioners. Giving a young child the wrong vaccine is potentially extremely dangerous. So just how rare are these sorts of errors? Not very, it seems, as a search on Google soon revealed many more.
In March 2010 the Telegraph reported that a newborn baby was given an overdose of the BCG vaccine. The boy, who was born on February 5, was injected with 0.5mg of the BCG vaccine – 10 times the usual 0.05mg dose. A statement from law firm Irwin Mitchell at the time said that the boy was treated with help from the poisons agency and an expert in immunology at Sheffield Children’s Hospital.(…)
It is not only in the UK that these errors are happening. In January 2010 staff at one USA school went to the school nurse fully expecting to receive the shot for swine flu and instead they received a vaccine of insulin. It was reported that the staff seem to have suffered no long-term damage from mistakenly receiving the insulin injections. Read fully story in ABC News report (…)
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