[SaneVax: The following article quotes Dr. Elmar Joura of the University Department of Gynaecology at the MedUni ViennDr as saying,
“There is data showing it is effective up to the 45th year of life.”

REALLY ??? The SaneVax team wants to know where he got this data, particularly when this is what the CDC has to say about the duration of HPV vaccine protection:
“Studies suggest that vaccine protection is long-lasting. Current studies (with up to about six years of follow-up data) indicate that the vaccines are effective, with no evidence of waning protection. This information will be updated as additional data regarding duration of protection become available.” (emphasis added)
Could Dr. Joura’s enthusiastic evaluation of HPV vaccines have anything to do with the fact that he has received lecture fees from Merck, Sanofi Pasteur MSD, and GSK? Could his opinion have anything to do with receiving advisory board fees from Merck, and funding through his institution to conduct epidemiological HPV studies for GlaxoSmithKline? Could Dr. Joura’s enthusiasm have anything to do with Dr. Joura being an investigator for the FUTURE study, a member of the publishing committee and a member of the Global advisory board?]
HPV vaccination to provide even more protection in future against infections
Posted in medicalexpress.com
At present over one hundred strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV) are known, fourteen of which can trigger cancer. The HPV vaccinations currently in use provide protection from 70 percent of these cancers. “With the next generation of the HPV vaccine we will reach 90 percent,” says Elmar Joura of the University Department of Gynaecology at the MedUni Vienna on the occasion of the forthcoming Immunology Week. This next vaccine generation is currently undergoing clinical trials at the MedUni Vienna and should be available in approximately two years’ time.
Goal: Free HPV vaccination for everyone.
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