[SaneVax: Australia has recently instituted a policy of making financial assistance to financially challenged families contingent on their children’s vaccination status. This is the equivalent of telling a family that if their child has a dozen x-rays each year, the family will be compensated by taxpayers. Vaccines are a medical intervention – their use poses a risk to some individuals. Connecting potentially risky medical interventions to financial assistance is morally and ethically wrong.]
Rupert Murdoch’s Press Bullies Australian Parents – While Human Rights Vanish Under Reactionary Australian Government Vaccine Policies
By Child Health Safety
Help Australian Parents Bullied By Rupert Murdoch’s Press – See news article below and – click link to Vote “Yes”.
Here CHS shows how media baron Rupert Murdoch’s Australian news outlets are bullying and victimising parents concerned about risks to their children’s health from a drug industry which his media empire has been closely linked to [and in particular convicted fraudster drug company GlaxoSmithKline]. This is against a backdrop of the power and influence of the pharmaceutical industry over the Australian Government and the medical professions and the investigations in England into the police bribery and corruption scandals of Murdoch’s media empire now being investigated in England in a formal inquiry by Lord Leveson.
Australia’s Government under the premiership of Julia Gillard [Labor] has adopted an extremist approach to childhood vaccination. Australian’s reactionary laws mean parents can be cut off from child care benefit payments if their children have not had all the mandated vaccines on time.Benefits for more than 23,000 children were denied between July 2011 to March this year for this reason reports the Australian Telegraph newspaper [link to story below].
Read the entire article here.
Drew says
This is bullying at its best. The hypocrite politics in all countries need to feel the push back from parents. After all, there are more of us than there are of them.
Wake up people.