How Valid
[SaneVax: The CDC now recommends annual flu vaccines for every man, woman and child over the age of 6 months. The CDC has clearly outlined the perceived benefits of their recommendation; but, what are the risks involved? Just what is the valid science behind this universal push for vaccinating virtually the entire population every year? What are the potential long-term consequences?]
Flu Vax Causes 5.5 Times More Respiratory Infections
By Heidi Stevenson
The utter absurdity of vaccination ‘science’ is revealed in this study. It claims a flu vaccine results in less disease risk because it causes antibodies to develop, in spite of not reducing the likelihood of contracting the disease and also resulting in 5.5 times more incidents of similar diseases!
Would you be interested in a vaccination that results in more than 5 times as much illness? If you take the seasonal influenza vaccination, that’s what you’re doing. The seasonal trivalent flu vaccine results in 5.5 times more incidents of respiratory illness, according to a study published inClinical Infectious Diseases.
The study is particularly noteworthy because it was a double-blind placebo-controlled trial—and the researchers used saline solution, a genuinely inactive placebo, as a standin for the trivalent flu vaccine. Most vaccine trials utilize active placebos, which are substances that include ingredients used in the vaccines, making the studies meaningless—though this fact is almost never revealed in the writeups.
Subjects were followed for an average of 272 days. The active influenza vaccine adminstered was Sanofi Pasteur’s Vaxigrip. The trial included children aged 6-15 years. 69 were given Vaxgrip and 46 received the saline placebo. Results were reported in terms of episodes per 1,000 person years of follow up.
With regard to effectiveness against influenza, the authors wrote:
There was no statistically significant difference in the risk of confirmed seasonal influenza infection between recipients of TIV [trivalent influenza inactivated vaccine] or placebo.
The flu vaccine provided no benefit!
Read the entire article here.
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