How Valid [SaneVax: The CDC now recommends annual flu vaccines for every man, woman and child over the age of 6 months. The CDC has clearly outlined the perceived benefits of their recommendation; but, what are the risks involved? Just what is the valid science behind this universal push for vaccinating virtually the entire population every […]
Front-Line Workers and Pregnant Women In Droves Shun Flu Vaccine
[SaneVax: Flu vaccines are universally recommended despite all evidence indicating they are marginally effective at best and downright dangerous for some. What is wrong with this picture?] By Dave Mihalovic There’s something so magnificent about an idea whose time has come. The idea that as a population, we do not need toxic injections of anything in […]
Annual Flu Shots: Science or Snake Oil?
SaneVax: Every year people are strongly encouraged to submit to yet another vaccine to ‘protect’ themselves and those around them from the latest potentially deadly flu. Is the flu really that dangerous? Are the vaccines promoted every year effective? Are the vaccines more risk to your health than contracting the flu? It seems not even […]
Pregnancy: Which is worse, the flu or flu vaccines?
[SaneVax: A new Danish study seems to indicate getting the flu during pregnancy may increase the risk of your child having autism. If this were a true correlation, one would expect to be able to find a large ‘outbreak’ of autism during the few years after the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic. Can anyone produce documentation of […]
Belief not science is behind flu jab, new report says
By Jeanne Lenzer An independent meta-analysis of vaccines against influenza has found that claims of benefit have been significantly exaggerated. The report, released last month by the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, was based on a comprehensive review of data published from 1967 to 2012.1 Evidence for “consistent high-level protection […]