By: Kim Robinson, Red Hill, PA

Katie’s article “Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret,” originally published by, has been shared around the world millions of times. Many dozens of victims and the families of HPV vaccine injured from all around the world have contacted us directly after reading Katie’s story desperate for guidance and support because their child also suffered from Gardasil injuries. We’ve been very fortunate. We recovered Katie’s health.
Since then, I’ve wanted to provide an update on my daughter’s original story but something always held me back. It was the fear that it could be taken away from us at any time and that Katie would be back to suffering. When my husband and I look back at our lives before Gardasil, it seems dreamlike. We were living our American Dream. We were married, had good jobs, bought a home to raise our two healthy kids in and were leading a vibrant family life. That was until September 2, 2010, when we took our daughter to the Pediatrician and consented to the administration of a vaccine we knew nothing about. Everything changed that day and the damage from one jab of Gardasil almost cost us every part of our American Dream including the life of our precious daughter.
The funny thing is that I am a paralegal. I research EVERYTHING before making a purchase or before making important choices especially decisions that affect my children. In hindsight, we can’t imagine why, but we never thought about researching a vaccine. All we knew about vaccines was what we now recognize as well derived marketing slogans such as “vaccines are safe and effective” or “vaccines save lives.” Every day, we wish we would have heard just one warning so that we could have saved our precious daughter from years of suffering and quite possibly a lifetime of health issues.
When I wrote the original article in November 2013, we had just realized that our daughter was suffering from a Gardasil vaccine injury. Kate was three years into aggressive treatment for multiple infections and viruses including Lyme disease, Bartonella Henselea, Mycoplasma Pneumonia, Strep and HHV-6 and had acquired two autoimmune diseases. She was treated by two highly regarded and skilled LLMD’s (Lyme Literate Medical Doctors) and yet she was actually sicker than ever before. The day we realized that Katie was Gardasil vaccine injured, she had been suffering 24/7 for 1,163 days and at the tender age of 14 years old, she had given up hope that we would ever be able to find her way out of this nightmare.
Just to be sure that what we suspected was correct, we asked Katie’s current LLMD and her Primary Care Physician to review her medical records and the information we collected regarding Gardasil vaccine injury. Both agreed that Katie was injured by the Gardasil vaccine, which impaired her immune system. This allowed latent (inactive) infections and viruses the opportunity to activate and remain chronic despite aggressive treatments that normally worked well for most others.
We had some hard decisions to make. We considered continuing the current treatment of aggressively treating multiple chronic infections and viruses or the possibility of embarking on another path altogether. Katie’s chronic illness affected every facet of our lives. Financially, we were devastated. Katie’s medical bills greatly outpaced our income. We were spending more than $30,000 a year (not reimbursed by insurance) desperately trying to recover our daughter’s health. We knew if this continued much longer, bankruptcy was a reality we would have to face as was selling our home. The stress on our marriage was enormous. The financial, emotional and physical stresses of taking care of a chronically ill child make it incredibly hard for a marriage to survive. Our youngest child suffered too. With our limited resources of time and energy, we devoted as much as we could to finding recovery for our daughter and failed to give our son the attention and love that he needed and deserved. Sean is three years younger than Katie but we often found ourselves relying on him to take care of the daily chores of running a household and he also helped take care of his sick sister.
Although we were scared, we decided to drastically change directions. We came to the realization that if Katie’s immune system was injured and/or dysregulated by the Gardasil vaccine, then she could never get well by only treating the infections and viruses. This is because antibiotics, anti-bacterials, and antivirals (regardless if the source is pharmaceutical or natural) are designed to knock down the infectious load only. Ultimately, the immune system must work to overcome the infections and viruses. Katie’s weak immune system simply was not capable of mounting the proper immune response so regardless of how aggressively treated, the infections and viruses remained active and chronic.
Our first step in the right direction was adding “low dose Naltrexone” or LDN. LDN helps repair and modulate the immune system and also reduces inflammation levels. We found many remarkable patient reviews from those using it to treat a wide variety of autoimmune diseases including the two autoimmune diseases that afflicted Katie. We introduced LDN low and slow because Katie was very sensitive and often experienced adverse reactions to anything new. Almost immediately, Katie appeared to have glimpses of better where she would be happy and able to cope with her symptoms and pain levels but it was short lived and she was soon back to suffering. Even so, we felt that we were finally on the right path to healing our daughter.
We learned that vaccines have a high amount of aluminum, a known neurotoxin that lodges in the brain tissue, and that many of the HPV vaccine injured suffered the effects of heavy metal poisoning. We added water containing high amounts of natural silicon to Katie’s daily protocol – 1 to 2 liters a day and removed all other drinks (especially highly processed drinks) from her diet. It’s been found that with the regular drinking of mineral waters rich in silicon that the excretion of aluminum in urine is facilitated in such a way that over extended periods of time aluminum is removed from the body. Several weeks after introducing LDN and silicone rich mineral water, Kate’s brain fog cleared, her memory returned and the ever-present headache pain receded slightly. Katie began ferociously reading book after book – sometimes 3 and 4 books a week. She said that she could finally think again.
We found that many of those who are vaccine injured suffer from multiple food and environmental sensitivities. Katie’s 24/7 pain levels were very high and we needed to get the inflammation levels down. We realized that allowing Katie to eat foods that her body was reacting to only served to increase inflammation and it also assaulted her gut. At the time, Katie was unable to eat more than a couple of bites of food before nausea and abdominal pain would stop her. Katie would have to wait until the pain and nausea subsided to try to eat a few more bites only to be stopped again by pain and nausea – it was torturous. We used the Elimination Diet to figure out the foods that Katie was reacting to and found that she could no longer eat foods containing gluten, processed corn, citric acid or beef. We also stopped all processed foods. In its place, was a mostly organic diet of whole foods, free range organic meats that were free of antibiotics and hormones and wild caught fish. With these diet changes, the gut attacks Katie experienced while eating eased. We believe that if we had not addressed diet the way that we did, that Katie’s body was slowly moving towards gastroparesis (a paralyzed stomach). We also removed harmful chemicals from our home and personal products. Katie’s sick body could not tolerate continued toxic exposures.
A huge part of Katie’s recovery was identifying and addressing vitamin and mineral deficiencies created by the Gardasil vaccine injury and the resulting long-term chronic illness and gut issues. Katie was diagnosed with leaky gut, which made it difficult for her body to absorb vitamins and nutrients from food and supplementation. We discussed this issue, Katie’s weak immune system and high inflammation levels with Katie’s Primary Care Doctor who prescribed a series of bi-weekly High Dose Vitamin C IV infusions. These IV infusions contain 50 to 75 grams of Vitamin C, magnesium, B vitamins and trace minerals. After years of suffering, a short few weeks of IV infusions produced amazing results. After one month, all POTS/Dysautonomia symptoms disappeared along with body wide joint pain. Several weeks later, the fatigue that plagued Katie for almost four years receded as she gained stamina to last her throughout the day. The IV infusions improved Katie’s immune system and her LLMD reported that she was finally no longer suffering from chronic infections and viruses. Hashimoto’s Disease went into remission and the pain level of 24/7 headaches/migraines receded to the point that it no longer interfered with every moment of her life. After a few months of bi-weekly IV infusions, Katie was feeling remarkably better which was later confirmed with improvements in blood and other medical testing.
This was Katie’s first recovery and we rejoiced when Katie was able to enjoy Christmas 2014 with our family instead of being bedridden trying to cope with debilitating symptoms and pain. She was engaged and full of laughter and smiles. Our hearts were happy and we enjoyed the holidays as a normal family. I would like to say that from this point on Katie no longer suffered but the truth of it is that once you suffer long-term chronic illness, it forms well-worn ruts in your health. The reality was her body could easily be tipped back into the ruts of chronic illness and she was again struggling to regain control and recover the ground lost.
Not out of the woods yet?
During Katie’s illness, she was diagnosed with a genetic weakness for removing mold toxins which allow these toxins to remain in her body for months after exposure. More recently, Katie was diagnosed with mold allergies. After Christmas that year, Katie was ready to go back to attending school. This was particularly exciting because Katie had been too sick to attend school for more than four years. Unbeknownst to us, Katie’s high school has a mold problem. On her first day back to school after the holiday, she entered the school building and immediately felt symptoms she only experiences when exposed to mold.
Unfortunately, Katie did not realize that staying in the building could be devastating to her health. After only two hours in the building, Katie came home fatigued, with a migraine, sinus issues, severe ear pain, body-wide joint pain, and nausea. In the days that followed, Katie experienced a full relapse and was back to suffering 24/7. Once again, we found ourselves running to catch Katie as she fainted, holding her hair while she struggled with vicious nausea and taking care of her while she stayed long hours in bed trying to cope with all the debilitating symptoms and pain. She was forced to finish out the school year as a homebound student. Her teacher couldn’t believe the dramatic change in Katie’s health and told us she was having a hard time concentrating and doing her school work. We were all devastated. Although we did everything we could to help Katie, it took another six months for Katie to recover her health again.
When Katie was ready to attend school again, we had to privately place Katie in a mold-free high school. On the foggy morning of November 5, 2015, I watched our daughter walk away from the car to attend her first day of high school. She was 16 years old and entering 10th grade after being sick since 11 years old. I took a picture as she walked away although it is a moment in time that I will never forget. It took Katie some time to adjust to the daily rigors of attending school. She was not symptom-free so some days were terribly difficult for her but she was determined to remain in school. Katie is a dedicated student and on her own, corrected many of the educational deficits that were created by not being able to attend school for so long.
Gardasil stole years of Katie’s life. We were fortunate to find her path out of this nightmare. Although Katie continues to struggle with lingering issues, she goes through life with purpose, determination, and joy. We estimate that she is 90% recovered. For the most part, we’ve learned how to manage her health so that she is able to live a normal life. As I write this update, Katie is 18 years old, a senior in high school and member of the National Honor Society. She is on the cheer team and has a part-time job. Recently, Katie was accepted to two universities as a Biology/Pre-Medical student. Her dream is to become a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (N.D.) and help those who are suffering from chronic illness and pain recover their health and lives.
For all these reasons, I am finally allowing myself to feel the relief I should have found a long time ago. Parents of chronically ill children find it really difficult to relax and enjoy life and that continues even after their child gets well. The nagging thought that it can all be taken away at any moment left me anxious and unable to relish in all that Katie has accomplished. Katie is forging ahead with her dreams. It is time for me to release this fear, embrace life and believe in Katie’s bright future ahead.
Thank you for this letter,Kim.I will be passing this on to all my people. Maybe it will help to keep others from the same experiences. I’m soo happy Kate is getting better,and I can’t begin to know what you and your family went thru. Bless you all. Love Aunt Betty
I can’t imagine what you, as a family, have gone through, all because of one shot – that is “safe and effective.” You are all brave souls that persevered and luckily came out of it! Love to you all!
Thank you! I reacted poorly to the shot in 2007 with severe somatization anxiety. I recovered within a year but had a relapse triggered by herbs in 2010. Then again within a year I was recovered.
I had a daughter in 2016 and had some postpartum issues but then went to work for a school that may have been moldy and many of the Gardasil symptoms came back and with a vengeance. Be really careful I was given minocycline for what we thought was an ear infection and that pushed me over the edge more than the mold had. So us gardasil girls have to be really careful of triggering our immune systems in the wrong way! It’s crazy!
Thank you for your message. I wonder how many with”lyme” have gardasil immune disorder.
Thank you for sharing and may your family receive unlimited blessings. I am a 63 yr young man, a scientist (electromagnetics, physicist & math type) whom received (2014) a mandatory triple (DPT – Diphtheria, Pertussis & Tetanus) shot/vaccine to travel abroad and within 6 weeks i was a wreck. I went from an overachiever, hyperactive intellectual property analyst and book worm to a hibernating immobile polar bear, unable to withstand light, sound, reading, odors or any attempt to think:- i.e. a repeat of 80-90% of your daughter’s symptoms.
It became clear to me that the problem with ALL vaccines is (generally) not the active agent(s) but with the medium or the excipients. Think of it this way, a few decades ago vaccines, antibiotics and medications had to be kept cool or in a refrigerator. Fast forward to today, pharmaceutical companies must add the refrigerant (mercury, aluminum, etc.) to the medium, otherwise its inventories, shipment, transport and storage would make it uneconomical and quickly deteriorate.
And that’s when Big Pharma unilaterally decided for us – the result is that, we’ve been methodically neuro-intoxicated…
as heavy metals would fool (Hg, Al, Cd, etc. would impersonate friendly minerals) the blood-brain barrier and lodge themselves within our brains.
… left and right for a couple of decades now. And of course, this is just one example; as we could document a complete and separate case for Monsanto’s glyphosate and how the DNA of most of nature’s animate and inanimate children – i.e. ground and its minerals, air, water & rain, trees, plants, animals & pets, insects, bees, fish, birds… us has been irreversibly modified and there’s a word for it, it is an ecocide.
It took until 2017 to be diagnosed with ME/CFS, which serves nothing and means nothing, because as in your case – as the really important tests and procedures are out of pocket. The diagnosis only confirmed that the misery was not a product of a creative imagination, a psychiatric episode, etc.
Thanks to the IOM and NIH, chronic fatigue’s new name is SEID – just a more ‘chic, officially & socially acceptable’ acronym for a condition that could be diagnosed but has no cure today, plus it is on the respectable “list” of medical conditions of the US DHHS and SSA. Otherwise, as a pragmatist, it is best to save whatever little energy you may have and say nothing, even to your own family.
Since it affects every organ and system, it is a multi-systemic disease or condition – thus, you are bound to get a separate prescription drug per every specialist you visit. Inwould recommend to save your sanity and money first – ignore them all.
I realized early enough (2015) that i had a “real science problem” to resolve – so i refused to take prescription medicines, as i knew that most doctors didn’t “get it” then and do not still today. The fun started when i started to experiment with my own body, i.e. greek style hyperthermia baths; liver & gallbladder cleanse; making my own capsules of high grade NAC, stabilized sodium ALA, magnesium threonate, etc. Best of all, i started to experience the beneficial results of this self-work.
Fortunately, there has been some brave doctors (over a dozen that have been ‘suicided’) that cracked the code of what has been going on for decades. Read about Dr Bradstreet et al., nagalase, GcMAF and what Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, UK and Europe know and are doing about this.
An important example – Americans – both patients & doctors – are not allowed to access a mitochondrial panel test. We are all kept within FDA’s “invisible cage” or test tube, and not allowed to check/know the truth of what is going on within our bodies… “for our own good”. This was not a problem for me, because i have dual nationality.
And yes, LDN has helped a bit but it is not as effective as pharmaceutical grade GcMAF. Read, educate/learn and review the scientific literature on GcMAF from Saisei-Mirai in Japan or GcMAF Plus in Hong Kong, a company in Europe as well, etc. They offer the best quality GcMAF – although it is possible to inexpensively make it at home too, (check on YouTube) using ‘happy cows’ (grass fed without antibiotics) raw milk, kefir, etc.
Also check the Ty & Charlene Bollinger website(s), The Truth About Cancer & The Truth About Vaccines; plus Dr Mercola, Dr Axe, Dr Leigh Erin Coneally among others. Last but not least, view Jeffrey Smith’s ‘Secret Ingredientes’ film.
Continuing to share our experiences, one story and neighbor at the time, we would ensure to make a huge difference to the bodies, minds and hearts of our society – of those to be born, the young, adult and old, including the departed ones, as per Dr Eben Alexander – within and without our planet.
No one can foul a well informed, educated and wise being.