Are HPV vaccines necessary?
By Norma Erickson
More than 600 medical professionals and 250 midwives in France have signed a petition demanding the establishment of an emergency parliamentary commission to investigate whether HPV vaccines are necessary in the battle against cervical cancer. The doctors, midwives and pharmacists who have signed the petition believe Gardasil and Cervarix are inefficient and too expensive, making the products unsuitable for mass vaccination programs.
This petition specifically addresses concerns medical professionals have in regards to proposed mass HPV vaccination programs. The organizers ask that only medical professionals or government health officials sign, and even then, only if they agree with the nine points stated below. (Translated by google)
The French petition states:
If you are a general practitioner or specialist, pharmacist, midwife, and if you agree with us on the following points:
– That the consequences of vaccinating young girls against HPV are unknown and that HPV vaccine effectiveness remains to be proven,
– That the High Council of Public Health estimated less than 20% efficiency when HPV vaccination programs included those 16-23 years of age,
– During clinical trials, HPV vaccines were tested against a false placebo … false, since it contained aluminum, a known neurotoxin.
– That the presumption of serious adverse events is not to be neglected,
– That when vaccinating women who started their sexual life a study conducted in Australia, showed an increased number of severe precancerous lesions,
– That the vaccine is particularly expensive, and it is a very heavy cost to the Insurance,
– That a recent survey published in “Le Canard chained” showed that there was suspicion of conflicts of interest,
– It has been shown that a majority of women believe that the smear becomes useless after vaccination, the result of a feeling of protection that actually proves illusory,
– That health authorities have shown that regular practice of smear alone, properly conducted and analyzed, has demonstrated its benefit in the detection of precancerous lesions, prior to the development of cervical cancer.
The SaneVax team believes these questions and concerns should have been adequately addressed and resolved scientifically prior to the institution of mass HPV vaccination programs in any country. Failing to have these issues addressed prior to instituting mass vaccination programs is nothing less than conducting a health experiment on uninformed test subjects.
Human beings are not test tubes. If they are to participate in a medical experiment; they must be afforded the opportunity to give their informed consent.
This is a concept government health officials worldwide seem to have forgotten. What has happened to the concept of informed consent prior to medical treatments or medical experiments?
Learn more about the French petition here.
Medical professionals are cordially invited to sign the petition at the above link if they agree with the stated concerns.
This petition is a most admirable initiative. It was noted that the many professionals who have signed up to now, (already over 1000!) have French names.
It would surely be a great support to the French people and have even more impact if also foreign medical professionals from many other countries signed.
To be certain that also foreign medical professionals also are welcome to sign, I sent this question to the petition organisers:
“May medical professionals from other countries sign the petition?”
This extremely postive and encouraging response was received from organiser Philippe DE CHAZOURNES:
“To: Sandy Lunoe
Yes, you can
Yes, you must !
Therefore please spread this important petition and invite medical professionals to sign it if they agree, whereever they may be in the world!