By Norma Erickson
29 September 2014: IPSN, the Institute for the Protection of Natural Health (Institut pour la Protection de la Santé Naturelle), based in Brussels, in conjunction with French oncologist and surgeon Professor Henri Joyeux, launched a French petition against the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.
The petition is already doing quite well with over 316,000 signatures (and steadily rising) in a little over a week. Originally, the goal was to reach 500,000 signatures then submit the petition to government authorities in France. However, interest in this petition has expanded to other countries where medical professionals, scientists and medical consumers are also seriously questioning the sanity of universal HPV vaccination programs.
HPV vaccines are an issue without borders
Due to so many requests from people outside France who wished to sign the petition, Professor Joyeux and the Institute for the Protection of Natural Health have agreed to open their petition to every country in the world. Please consider demonstrating your solidarity with the people of France by adding your signature to this petition.
If you have already decided HPV vaccines are of questionable value please sign the petition here.
You need only fill in 4 boxes: your first name, last name, postal code (if you do not live in France, please add the two letter abbreviation for your country before the postal code, eg. GB for the UK, DE for Germany, US for the United States, etc…) and your email address.
The boxes to tick after that are to indicate: 1) whether you want to be kept informed (in French of course) of petition progress and 2) whether you would like information (in French) on natural health. Once you have done this, simply click on the green box to submit your signature.
If you have not decided please read the text of the video by Professor Joyeux:
The organizers of this petition understand that HPV vaccines have not been proven to be safe, affordable, necessary or effective. Professor Joyeux explains exactly why in the video text below. The video is in French and can be accessed at the end of this article. Helen Kimball-Brooke has kindly provided the English translation of the content.
Video Content:
Good morning. This is Professor Henri Joyeux, French oncologist and surgeon. I am writing to you because the French High Council for Public Health has recently published a report recommending first of all:
- that there be widespread administration of the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine in French schools, in an attempt to fight cervical cancer and other sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), and also
- that the starting age for vaccination of both girls and little boys be lowered to 9.
However, just like any medicine prescribed to a person in good health and even more so to children, the two current HPV vaccines, Gardasil® and Cervarix® bring with them the risk of serious adverse effects.
In addition, the authorities fail to mention to us that the protection against cervical cancer conferred by these vaccines is not 100%. In fact, protection from Gardasil® and Cervarix® is no more than 70%, leaving 30% risk of cancer.
Even if we could be certain of their effectiveness, these anti-viral vaccines should really only be administered to high-risk populations.
The HPV virus is transmitted primarily through sexual relations. Do not allow the authorities to apply an inappropriate health measure to your children!
Sign our petition demanding a moratorium on these vaccines which should not be imposed in our schools without providing prior comprehensive and transparent information to the parents.
There are very good reasons to be deeply concerned about this campaign. According to Professor Guy Vallancien (a supporter of this vaccine), urologist, head of department at the Institut Montsouris in Paris and member of the French National Academy of Medicine,
“Analysis of the pharmacovigilance data for this vaccine revealed 26,675 serious adverse effects, 113 of which were cases of multiple sclerosis. In France alone, 435 cases of serious adverse effects, including 135 autoimmune diseases, 15 of which were cases of multiple sclerosis, have been reported to the national network of regional pharmacovigilance centres and the vaccine manufacturer.”
Many of these young schoolgirls, now disabled for life, were unnecessarily vaccinated with Gardasil when they were not in any way part of the high-risk population.
Sign the petition to protect your child from the same fate.
In Austria, following the death of a young woman vaccinated with Gardasil, a report was published indicating that the long-term effectiveness of such a vaccination would be “totally negligible”. The Austrian Health Minister, Dr. Andrea Kdolsky, then decided to withdraw HPV vaccines from the official schedule, to stop reimbursing them and to encourage regular Pap smear screening instead.
On the 24th of January 2008, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) announced that some women previously vaccinated with Gardasil had died. It is therefore beyond imprudent to want to vaccinate all children, across the board, against HPV: it is totally irresponsible.
Sign our petition urgently.
As early as February 2007, interviews aired on American television reported serious complications, told the tragic stories of living Gardasil victims and showed photos of young women who had died following vaccination with Gardasil.
In 2013, the Japanese authorities decided to stop recommending this vaccine.
In France, a lawsuit was filed against Sanofi, the manufacturer of the vaccine, by young Océane Bourguignon and other young girls. They all suffered extremely serious brain and spinal cord damage after being vaccinated with Gardasil.
“We do not yet know its effectiveness. We do not yet know the risks” warned Dr. Jean-Paul Hamon, chair of the French Doctors Association, on French TV channel TF1.
Video clip: “We do not yet know its effectiveness. We do not yet know the risks. The only safe and effective method is Pap smear screening. And now we prefer to invest €300M into something whose effectiveness and risks we don’t yet know.”
This is 100% true. If you or your child think that you may be infected with HPV, go to your doctor and get a smear test. If precancerous lesions are found, they can definitely be treated. But above all, no vaccine! It could even increase your risks of getting cancer.
Two analyses of the vaccine’s impact on women already infected with HPV before they were vaccinated revealed an increase in the number of high-grade precancerous cervical lesions in the Gardasil® group compared with the unvaccinated placebo group. Fortunately, the difference was not significant but this proves that in any case, the vaccine is useless if you are already infected, which is not surprising.
The worst however is that the long-term effectiveness of the vaccine, even in persons not infected at the time of vaccination, is unknown. The French High Health Authority itself writes as follows on Gardasil®:
“The effectiveness of HPV vaccination on the incidence of cancerous lesions in the genital area can only be established retrospectively after a number of years because these pathologies develop very slowly.”
Do you want your children to be Guinea pigs? It is therefore totally premature and potentially dangerous to impose a widespread vaccination campaign in French schools, especially when the recipients are young and very vulnerable children.
This is what the experts are saying: Abby Lippman, epidemiologist at McGill University in Canada and specialist in women’s health:
“Neither Gardasil® nor its competitor Cervarix® has yet demonstrated its effectiveness in preventing cervical cancer. According to these specialists, “we do not yet know if the vaccine will result in a reduction in the number of cancer cases.”
According to Lucija Tomljenovic, research scientist working on the neurotoxic effects of vaccine adjuvants at the University of British Columbia in Canada,
“The vaccine is no more effective than other methods of prevention but carries far greater risks.”
Not only can it cause accidents but widespread vaccination of young girls may result in a drop in Pap smear screening which we know can save lives. Certain women will think “I am vaccinated, I am protected” which is in fact scientifically false.
This is why in March 2014, more than 700 French doctors signed a petition demanding a Parliamentary Committee of Enquiry into this vaccine. One of them was pulmonologist Dr. Irène Frachon, courageous revealer of the Mediator scandal. These doctors have already instilled fear in the government.
Now it is families who are trembling with fear for their children. It is now our turn to triumph by making this message go viral and gathering millions of grassroots signatures on this petition.
Of course the Big Pharma lobbies will put up a serious fight. We know them well with their enormous advertising resources. France represents a massive market for them every year. The vaccine manufacturers will pull out all the stops to make us think that their products are safe… grinning all the way to the bank.
But our children’s lives are worth more than their profits!
Why should your children run even the slightest risk when this disease is easily detectable and curable with regular screening by a gynecologist? They shouldn’t!
With the Institut pour la Protection de la Santé Naturelle (Institute for the Protection of Natural Health), we can be millions to say NO TO THESE VACCINES in our schools, NO to vaccinating 9-year-old children with a product which may not be effective and is potentially dangerous, even deadly.
If millions of us sign, the authorities won’t be able to ignore us, but to reach this figure, each of us must sign this petition immediately and circulate this appeal as far and as wide as possible.
Dr. Bérangère Arnal, OB-GYN and mother of 13-year-old Eve, has stated that her daughter will not receive the HPV vaccine but will be informed and regularly screened if necessary. This is the advice I give to all families.
In high-risk populations, regular Pap smear tests every three years has resulted in a 70% reduction in the cervical cancer mortality rate, but this information is concealed from the general public.
The (of course very profitable) target of the lobbies is to vaccinate all schoolgirls before then vaccinating young boys of the same age, as soon as possible, and to make the vaccination mandatory in French schools.
We do not agree with these objectives which we deem to be “false public health”. We can make them withdraw this plan by saying NO to this abuse, along with millions of others. But to achieve this, every responsible French citizen must circulate this petition as far and as wide as possible. I am therefore counting on all of you to sign the petition and to send it as soon as possible to all of your contacts.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, in the name of our children’s health.
Professor Henri Joyeux.
Sign the petition by clicking on this link
Institut Pour La Protection de la Santé Naturelle
The right to alternative treatment
NO to widespread vaccination of children against HPV
For the attention of The President of the French Republic, The French Minister of Health and Social Affairs, And the French Minister of National EducationMr. President, Mme Health and Social Affairs Minister, Mme. National Education Minister,
On the 15th of September 2014, the French High Council for Public Health published a statement recommending that:
- HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination should be introduced in French schools in an attempt to prevent cervical cancer and other sexually-transmitted diseases;
- If necessary, the starting age for vaccination of both young girls and young boys would be lowered to 9.
This plan has aroused very deep concern in the French people and the medical profession.
There are a very large number of us who fear that our schools are being used as a front for a widespread HPV vaccination campaign targeting our children, without providing families transparent information on the effectiveness and risks of this vaccine and without allowing them to consider the pros and cons.
May we remind you that the analysis of pharmacovigilance data revealed 26,675 cases of serious adverse effects connected with these vaccines, including 113 cases of multiple sclerosis.
May we also remind you that the only method which has been proven to prevent cervical cancer is the Pap smear. If precancerous lesions are found, they can then be treated.
The vaccine however does not confer 100% protection, far from it. All medical sources concur on this point. It is a very dangerous situation if vaccinated individuals go off thinking that they are fully protected.
We the undersigned therefore demand that the plan for widespread HPV vaccination in French schools be stopped:
- Until reasonable vaccine effectiveness has been proven;
- Until we are aware of and can control all the adverse effects of these vaccines;
- Until we can be assured that such widespread vaccination will not cause a drop in Pap smear screening, the only proven method of preventing cervical cancer.
This is the only way to protect a large number of children from unnecessary accidents and considerable suffering. You will also be making a step towards maintaining the trust of parents and keeping necessary peace in our schools.
Yours sincerely,
Number of Signatures
Read this article in Spanish here (translation kindly provided by Isma de Sousa).
Read and sign the petition in Italian here (translation kindly provided by Alessia Zurlini).
The majority of these factors have still not been satisfactorily addressed:
Whether the vaccine prevents cervical cancer; necessity for boosters; increased risk of cancer due to: ingredients, replacement and aluminium bound recombinant HPV DNA; if vaccinated may donate blood without serious health consequences for recipients; autoimmune disorders (which may occur up to years after vaccination); if cervical cancer is caused by HPV or if there must be additional factors for this to occur; if HPV is necessarily an infection only transmitted by sexual intercourse; genotoxicity; whether the vaccine targets the relevant virus strains in different demographics; change of strains in time; adverse events due to concomitant administration with other vaccines; true numbers of serious adverse events including long term; results if a true placebo had been used in clinical trials; results of clinical trials if the manufacturer had not used own exclusion criteria; blood clots with or without hormonal contraceptives; brain damage; consequences of age bridging in the trials; toxicity of ingredients; infertility, miscarriages, stillbirths, congenital anomalies; excretion in breast milk; aluminium safety; genetic predisposition to injected aluminium; complete list of ingredients including those protected by trade secrets; variability of batches; whether possible benefits outweigh the risks; conflicts of interest, etc.
I live in the U.S., not France. However, I am very disturbed that the French High Council for Public Health wants to have boys and girls as young as 9 years of age vaccinated, in schools, with this very questionable vaccine. The vaccine has not been proven to be safe, in fact, there are reports of death and serious disabilities as a result of the HPV vaccine. In addition, the long-term effectiveness of the vaccine is not known. The best protection against cervical cancer is regular pap smears, about every 3 years. PLEASE stop this plan for introducing the HPV vaccine in French schools! This makes no sense!
The best protection against cervical cancer is NOT ‘regular pap smear’ which is just another
way for medical/phamaceutical industries to make money.
Genuinely best protection is to train your immune system, eat truthfully good food and
avoid various poisons along with detoxing yourself using chelation etc in order to get
rid of heavy metal toxins and so forth.
People need to realize that this HPVV is an absolute shocking lie, starting with
“HPV is the cause of cervical cancer” when 99.85% of those who get infected with
‘carcinogenic HPV’ get rid of it without any medication nor treatment!!
Can you call such a NON threatening virus “CAUSE”??
Check facts and THINK!!
Stop fraudulent HPV vaccines!!
How can I detox poisons from Human Papiloma Virus Vaccines? – Hidden crime of Heavy Metal Toxins
Unless we stop giving our power to these traitorous companies,
same thing will happen again and again.
My previous comment was intended to be for those who plan to introduce the HPV vaccine in French schools, but I wrote it here by mistake. I will sign the petition.
Thank you, Vivian. Every single signature counts. This petition will be a worldwide statement against the insanity of HPV vaccination programs. Young people of the world do not need to be exposed to the inherent risks involved with vaccines when there is already a safe and proven effective alternative.
This is a disaster