The following letter was sent by Freda Birrell, Secretary of SaneVax Inc., to health authorities in the United Kingdom. (reprinted with author’s permission):
Dear Mr Swain and Dr Nass
A friend and colleague, Dr Ed Yazbak, Falmouth, MA advised me to send you the undernoted information regarding UK research on the illnesses being experienced by some Gulf War Veterans in the UK. Dr Yazbak had never heard of the angle being discussed below and thought that Dr Nass might be very interested in seeing this:
3.Gulf War Veterans suffering from rare disease linked to vaccines
A group of Gulf War veterans has been diagnosed with an extremely rare illness that would normally affect just one man in the entire European population. The vets have been told they are suffering from a “systemic disease” that stops them producing testosterone and affects their glands, brains, hearts and other organs. It also leads to early-onset of osteoporosis. Prof Stephen Atkin studied 11 vets over two years in Hull. His findings reveal eight are suffering from lymphocytic hypophysitis – which usually affects just one in 500million men. His findings also link the illness to the multiple vaccinations soldiers were given against chemical and biological agents in 1990. Former Army medic Shaun Rusling, 52 – who now has to inject testosterone into his stomach twice a day – said: “This is a dramatic finding which gives physical proof that Gulf War Syndrome exists.”
Mike Hamilton, Daily Mirror
Professor Stephen Atkin, Reader of Medicine, Head of Endocrinology, Hull and York Teaching Schools, together with Dr Ammar Wakil and Thozhukat Sathyapalan are the experts who have been working on this with a group of UK soldiers for over two years. The two links above provide further information and contact details regarding their press release.
I thought you might be interested to see this and perhaps contact Professor Atkin to discuss his findings.
I am Secretary of Sanevax Inc – – and we have had many similar illnesses being experienced, and sadly many deaths, following vaccination with the HPV vaccine Gardasil. We truly understand the frustration at trying to get health officials, government officials to understand that all these illnesses, particularly autoimmune disorders, do not just happen without a reason. Our organisation stands for ‘Safe, affordable, necessary and effective vaccines’. Like you with the service personnel, we know families all around the world who have been harmed by both Cervarix and Gardasil and we work to get these vaccines taken off the market and for independent investigations to take place.
Our servicemen and women deserve the best of care, they risk their lives for all of us; our teenagers, who are the next generation, require to be protected and when something goes wrong, and starts to harm them, then we have to step to try and rectify it. Sadly, like our service personnel in both our countries there are many young girls, and boys, who are lost forever and there are thousands who may never recover to be truly healthy again.
I truly do hope the above research will be believed and will help you and your organisation in getting justice for our war heroes. It hopefully will also help us to be believed and get the respect of our politicians to accept that incidents like these are not coincidental or population related as we keep getting advised.
We will watch with interest future developments.
With best wishes,
Mrs Freda Birrell –Berwickshire, Scotland Secretary, SaneVax, Inc.
NGVFA says
A couple of corrections for anyone interested in this article and report:
Shaun Rusling, who took part in the study, and was quoted in the Daily Mirror; Doesn’t have to inject testosterone into his stomach, his treatment involves injections of growth hormone into his gut daily and testosterone injections directly into the muscle; The MRI scan used in the test was given after the stress test; He is diagnosed as suffering with lymphocytic hypophysitis and autoimmune disease of the thyroid.
Also rates of occurrence for this condition in men are actually estimated at 1 per 54 million.
admin says
Thank you for the clarification. We appreciate it.