BWN Patagonia
February 13, 2011
In addition to sudden death and paralysis (Among Other Things) That girls Suffer Against injected with HPV vaccines, the events of abortion and fetal death Caused by the HPV vaccine outweigh all Other vaccines on the market. And the vaccine Gardasil HPV in the lead. How long will the Argentine half lying?
According To the National Center for Immunization Information, U.S. Government agency ( ) Cases of abortion and fetal death induced by the vaccine Gardasil Statistically equal and surpass all the same events Caused by Other side effects of vaccines. This information WAS published in the blog Governmental MedAlerts category (medical alert) in an entry Written A Few months ago. Be required, in November 2010. Research and post Were made by the scientist Steven M. Rubin, Ph.D., Who Keeps track of the online database of MedAlerts. (Photo: Vegonsosa advertising to a dummy vaccine ).
In Another blog post MedAlerts, Dr. Rubin Had Said That “The swine flu vaccine, H1N1, you cause miscarriage.” and Demand Expected to Be Supported by data from VAERS.
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) En Inglés “warning system on Adverse effects of vaccines.” The U.S. Government entity and describe Itself: “From the CDC and the FDA. This is a system Which Are Reported and Analyzed the Adverse effects of vaccines available to the public, and for Dissemination …”. The CDC is the Center for Disease Control USA, and the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), “Food and Drug Administration of the United States).
Dr. Rubin Explains how VAERS is Determined whether an Adverse Effect Resulting in a miscarriage.
VAERS method uses the MedDRA classification of Symptoms, Which Organizes all Known Symptoms in five Detailed Levels. At the second level of detail There is a category Known as stillbirth (Said of a creature That is born dead) Which Are listed under ela: “Abortion and conditions associated with Complications,” “Spontaneous Abortions,” fetal death “and” Are Abortions not specified as induced or spontaneous “ . Each of These items related to specific Symptoms Are. Therefor the second level (or as it is Known in MedDRA, the High Level Group or HLGT Therm) is a valid way to Identify miscarriage .
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vforba says
I find the fact that they want to give this vaccine to pregnant women disgusting. My daughter who is 11 weeks pregnant now was asked at her first ob appt if she wanted this vaccine. I am so glad she knew better and didn’t get it.