HPV Vaccine Side Effects
HPV Vaccine Side Effects “quite mild”?!
Here I read part of my blog for girls in the UK, censored by STEMNET and NHS Choices.
Another investigative presentation by Grace Filby.
Find more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbjN9rHcz7c
Extract from Patient Information Leaflet 08/10 (c) GSK:
Extract from Summary of Product Characteristics for healthcare professionals: Text last updated 6 August 2010.
Also, after 3 years, the Govt. haven’t answered crucial questions that were raised by parents in 2007 through Department of Health market research about post-HPV vaccine fertility or legal consent. I have asked them to sort it out. If you are in Year 8, I hope you would like to be able to have children in the future.
You can view Grace Filby’s independent report on the truth about Cervarix after more than two years’ research at http://gracefilby.blogspot.com
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