HPV Vaccine Side Effects HPV Vaccine Side Effects “quite mild”?! Here I read part of my blog for girls in the UK, censored by STEMNET and NHS Choices. Another investigative presentation by Grace Filby. Find more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbjN9rHcz7c Extract from Patient Information Leaflet 08/10 (c) GSK: Extract from Summary of Product Characteristics for healthcare professionals: […]
Gardasil Body Count from HPV Vaccine Statistics – Ireland
Gardasil Body Count HPV Vaccine Statistics From the latest HPV vaccine statistics, Grace Filby predicts how many 12 year old girls in Ireland will be rushed to the hospital Emergency Room each year after their Gardasil shots. How many will add to the Gardasil body count? From 2010, up to 30,000 girls aged 12 in […]
HPV vaccine – Aluminum Toxin and Silica Antidote. Grace Filby
Aluminum Toxin and Silica Antedote Aluminum Toxin and Silica Antedote: Censored by NHS Choices and STEMNET. Grace Filby explains that the aluminium in HPV cervical cancer vaccines is a nerve poison. Some girls are getting serious and long-term side effects. Scientists at Keele University have shown that silica-rich mineral water is a natural antidote. Find […]
Grace Filby responds to Australian Government’s Gardasil Information Website
Dear Cancer Council Australia, A press release 10.3.11 at http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/218656.php has announced your new official Australian government information site about the Gardasil vaccination programme. From here in the UK, I would like to accept your invitation to provide feedback. Here is your Side Effects page: http://www.cervicalcancervaccine.org.au/the-cervical-cancer-vaccine/side-effects.aspx The page design states in large bold coloured and […]
Toddlers will have jabs for SIX diseases at once
By: David Derbyshire 22 November 2010 Toddlers are to be inoculated against six diseases at once in a bid to boost vaccination rates, the Government revealed yesterday.The chief medical officer has told GPs to give the vaccines – including the MMR jab – during a single surgery visit once a baby has passed his or […]