By Paul Fassa, Citizen Journalist
20 January 2011
Disinformation is created out of intentional lies. That`s Big Pharma`s shtick. Then the MSM journalists take Big Pharma`s press releases and regurgitate them to meet their deadlines. Misinformation is their shtick. Fortunately, there are pockets of reality that expose these press release items as bogus.
An MSM Bombshell
A January 10 Mail Online (UK) article entitled “Scientists fear MMR link to autism.” reported a Wake Forest University (USA) medical study that found measles virus in 70 out of 82 autistic children tested. None of them were wild measles strains. They were all vaccine strains, common to MMR shots.
This should at least exonerate Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British doctor who had a similar report published in 1998 and became the subject of a witch hunt that ruined his career. Of course the article contains maybes and reportage of how most of Wakefield`s research team recanted. Of course they did. They were coerced by the Medical Mafia!
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