We wanted to share this message from Julia Ahier, one of the “Lancet 12” parents whos child was treated by Dr. Andrew Wakefield.- Gary “I am absolutely convinced that the MMR triggered my Son’s condition, as the first problems with pain occurred on the first evening after the vaccination and the loss of skills happened after also […]
Latest research links autism to vaccines
By Paul Fassa, Citizen Journalist 20 January 2011 (NaturalNews) Lately there has been a mainstream media (MSM) barrage reporting the vaccinations to autism link is now proven to be false. Even a not so MSM media site recently featured the article “Who Started the Vaccine Autism Hoax?” Disinformation is created out of intentional lies. That`s […]
Vaccine Damaged Kids and the Media Attack on Dr. Andy Wakefield
By Laraine C. Abbey 15 January 2011 The apparently orchestrated attack on Doctor Andy Wakefield is most interesting. It’s rather amazing that the British Medical Journal (BMJ), having been around since the mid-eighteen hundreds, would risk tarnishing its reputation with such ghastly stories. It is fascinating to observe what appears to be an attack that […]
Vaccine Induced Child Abuse Exposed
By Christina England 14 January 2011 As the Wakefield saga unfolds, we have seen the lengths pharmaceutical industries and governments will go to in a bid to cover up the truth. However, destroying a professionals reputation is not the only tactic employed to cover up vaccine injuries. Blaming parents of child abuse is another tactic […]