[SaneVax: The recent death of a 13 year-old girl after her second injection has prompted citizens of Spain to voice their concerns about the wisdom of their country’s HPV vaccination program. The fact that the young girl received the second injection despite having a severe asthmatic response requiring hospitalization after the first injection raises additional questions. […]
Has the UK Given a Banned Vaccine a New Lease on Life?
[SaneVax: How are medical consumers supposed to continue to trust their government health officials when the evidence seems to indicate a mumps vaccine banned because of substantial health risks was simply re-named and redistributed? Read the following article, then decide for yourself.] Dangerous Banned Vaccine Repackaged and Given New Name By Christina England, Vactruth.com Yet again […]
Vaccination Policies and Government Lies
[SaneVax: Why are governments worldwide suppressing information about severe adverse reactions to vaccines? Why does it take the efforts of independent scientists to uncover data that pertains to children’s health and well-being around the globe? Why are parents left on their own to research vaccine side effects when the principal of informed consent applies to […]
Pharma: How do you fail to report 80,000 adverse reactions to drugs?
[SaneVax: A recent investigation by the European Medicines Agency uncovered 80,000 adverse reactions, including 15,000 deaths, from various medications that had not been reported as required by law. Both Roche and Genentech claim this oversight was unintentional and does not affect the safety profile of any of their drugs. What is wrong with this picture?] […]
Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Caused Autism
[SaneVax: A court decision in Italy has issued a finding of fact clearly stating autism was caused by the MMR vaccine. The Italian government did not protest this finding. Unfortunately for the victim of this tragedy, the government is now stating that no compensation is owed because the vaccine, although recommended by the government, had not […]