[SaneVax: The Archdiocese of Spain has struck a blow for informed consent regarding HPV vaccinations in Trinidad and Tobago. Every medical consumer in the world needs to follow suit – no disclosure – no vaccine!] Catholic Church lifts ban on HPV vaccination By Trinidad Express Newspapers THE Archdiocese of Port of Spain has rescinded its ban […]
Trinidad and Tobago move HPV vaccination program out of schools
[SaneVax: In response to citizen concerns, the Health Ministry of Trinidad & Tobago have agreed to suspend the recently implemented HPV vaccination programme in their schools. The SaneVax Team believes other countries should do the same. Schools are for education, not vaccination.] T & T Health Ministry suspends HPV vaccination programme at schools By Staebrook Editor […]
HPV Vaccine Coming Soon to Trinidad and Tobago
[SaneVax: Despite the worldwide controversy surrounding the safety, efficacy and need for HPV vaccines, Trinidad and Tobago have agreed to purchase and use Gardasil in their country. Is this a result of sound decision making, or good marketing?] The truth about HPV and Gardasil By Dr. Noel Kalicharan A few weeks ago, Health Minister Dr Fuad […]