By Adoption Rights Alliance
THE DEPARTMENT OF Health says there are no plans to hold an inquiry into allegations that the bodies of hundreds of babies born to unmarried women in Ireland’s mother and baby homes were used in medical experiments after they died.
Last night, RTÉ’s Prime Time ran a special programme uncovering how hundreds of children at Irish institutions were used for medical research and dissected by medical students without their mothers’ consent right up until the 1960s.
The research also allegedly included vaccine trials in contravention of medical guidelines on captive populations. According to the programme, children’s residential institutions and mother and baby homes provided infants who could be monitored closely.
[Note from SaneVax: If the people of Ireland allow this type of atrocity to pass without a thorough investigation, those accountable for these actions will remain free to continue along the same vein. This type of behavior not only needs to be exposed every time it occurs; those responsible must be held accountable for their actions. It is the only way to prevent the children of the world from continuing to be the subjects of experimentation without informed consent.]
Mari Steed says
A couple of corrections: first, this article was *not* by Adoption Rights Alliance. It is a rehash of an original article written by Conall O’Fatharta of the Irish Examiner, distorted (as usual) by Dept of health did NOT say there were no plans to hold an inquiry. In fact, no departments to date have even commented publicly on the Oct 6th Prime Time episode.
Adoption Rights Alliance issued a press release in conjunction with the RTE Prime Time airing, which may be read in its entirety at You can also read Conall’s original piece at Please folks, responsible AND accurate journalism.