For the first time three studies describing human papillomavirus (HPV) genotype distribution in Bulgaria was presented at 15th National Conference of Oncogynecology (22-25.04.2010; V. Turnovo). Such studies are needed to predict how HPV vaccination and HPV-based screening will influence cervical cancer prevention.
The aim of this study was to determine the types of human papillomavirus (HPV) distribution in Bulgarian women’s population (age 16-40 years) with atypical cervical lesions examined by colposcopy.
The prevalence of type-specific HPV was searched by PCR-DNA in 176 women with positive colposcopic findings (results).
Human papillomavirus was found in 105 (59.7%) of the women, while 71 (40.3%) were negative for this virus. From 105 positive for HPV women, 95 (90.5%) were infected with high- risk genotypes and 10 (9.5%) with low-risk genotypes. Among high-risk types, a predominance of HPV-16 (39% of infected women) was shown followed by HPV-56 (17.1%) and HPV-33 (15.2%). 45.7 percent of our patients were infected with single HPV genotype, whereas 54.3% were infected with mixtures of HPV genotypes.
The presence of relatively high percentage of HPV types 33 and 56 and the relatively high incidence of infections with mixture of genotypes are the reasons for obligatory secondary prophylactic procedures (cytology, colposcopy and HPV detection), never.mind HPV vaccination. We find that, there is strong connection between HPV infection and positive colposcopic results.
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