By Daniel Dunkin
Recombivax is the Trade Name for Merck & Co’s Hepatitis B vaccine. The Recombivax Hepatitis B Vaccine Ingredients include genetic sequence of the hepatitis B virus that codes for the surface antigen (HbSAg), cloned into GMO yeast, and the chemicals aluminum hydroxide and thimerosal.
Injection of any foreign antibodies or proteins is not something I consider a wise thing to do. Unknown foreign substances could potentially be injected along with it. There are some that claim the outbreak of HIV/AIDS was injected along with the Hepatitis B vaccine that was given to gays free of charge in New York, Los Angeles, and San francisco, and while we may never know if this is the case or not, the spontaneous outbreak of Aids in those 3 cities following the free Hep B vaccine should leave some question even in the most prudent of minds.
Aluminum Hydroxide is a powerful Neurotoxin that is an ingredient in several vaccines.While used orally for heartburn and related problems, injection by passes the kidneys and other toxin filters of the body and gives immediate access to numerous organs. It has also been used in Kidney dialysis and has been linked to dementia in dialysis patients. Aluminum has also been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders. Aluminum builds up in the brain, liver, thyroid, and lung tissues. Side effects of aluminum include impairment of the kidney functions, softening of the bones and ricketts, osteomalacia, decreased liver function, loss of appetite, esophagitis, forgetfulness, memory loss, dementia, psychosis, encephalitis and more. Another name for Aluminum hydroxide is hydrated alumina.
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my grandson was given the hep b vaccine at birth. at 7 weeks old he was diagnosed neuroblastoma. we are currently searching for lawyer