Vaccine Injury Attorney The S.A.N.E. Vax, Inc. team understands that sometimes litigation is the only way to deal with the consequences of vaccine-related injuries. Please keep in mind, we are in no way recommending any of the following attorneys, nor are we attempting to offer legal advice. We provide Vaccine Injury Attorney contact information as […]
PACs – Tips
Although S.A.N.E. Vax, Inc. does not participate in political lobbying, we understand that sometimes it is the only way to get things done. Therefore, we will periodically offer articles on how to make your voice heard in the political arena and links to groups that are politically active, from whom you may receive advice or […]
Medical Professional Listing
Medical Professional Listing for Treating Vaccine Injuries The SaneVax Team knows just how devastating vaccine injuries can be. Most medical professionals are not fully aware of the side effects that can be associated with vaccination. When they are aware that vaccine injuries occur, often they do not know how to treat them. The following is a list […]
Pre-Vac. HPV Testing
Pre-Vaccination HPV Testing Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, the CDC and many medical professionals around the world will tell you there is no need to have an HPV test prior to vaccination with one of the two HPV vaccines approved for use in the United States. But, they should all agree that the HPV vaccines will not confer […]