Open Letter to Dr. O. Marion Burton, President, American Academy of Pediatrics
Re: Heart-broken moms offended by statements of AAP on Gardasil®
September 16, 2011
Dear Dr. Burton:
On behalf of the thousands of parents who have either lost their perfectly healthy teenage daughters, or been left to endure the physical/mental/emotional and financial hardship of being forced to deal with the permanent disabling effects of Gardasil® vaccination, SANE Vax Inc. is offended by the thoughtless, ignorant and offensive press release issued from the office of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) on September 13, 2011.
The press release criticizes the comment made by Republican presidential candidate, Michele Bachmann regarding Gardasil® side effects as ‘false statements’; and instead stated authoritatively ‘…it (Gardasil®) has an excellent safety record.’
Are you still practicing pediatrics? Physicians in the U.S. look to the AAP for guidelines yet the AAP seems to be oblivious to the latest Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. VAERS statistics clearly show that HPV Vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, have been associated with 22, 619 adverse reactions; 8,926 of those reports requiring emergency hospitalization; and 4,616 cases where the victim did not recover. Death reports stand at 102.
According to the National Vaccine Information Center, these figures reflect 1 to 10% of the vaccine injured population reporting.
The rate of anaphylaxis in young women post HPV vaccination has been found to be significantly higher by approximately – 5 to 20 fold – than those identified in comparable school-based vaccination programs. In fact, out of the 76 vaccines approved by the FDA the HPV vaccines make up 24% of the adverse injuries being reported.
The AAP is responsible for the health and welfare of our children. The Academy’s ignorance of vaccine injuries is deplorable and unacceptable.
Instead of showing compassion to victims and their families and making attempts to clarify or further investigate the possible causes for all these unexplained side effects, you simply dismissed them all by stating: ‘There is absolutely no scientific validity to this statement.’
This letter is to inform you that SANE Vax, Inc. has recently informed the FDA that the Gardasil® vaccine currently on the market has been found to be contaminated with residual recombinant HPV DNA. This hitherto unknown contaminant may have provided a scientific basis for Gardasil-induced autoimmune-based inflammatory diseases in various tissues, including inflammation in the joints and central nervous system. If the AAP is interested in this subject, perhaps using it as part of the AAP’s continuous medical education (CME) materials in place of those distributed by Merck, please read the hyperlinked documents below.
SANE Vax Inc. is wondering if Merck’s advertisements for Gardasil® in the AAP journals and cash contributions to sponsor various AAP CME programs that promote Gardasil® influenced the decision to issue the September 13 press release. In addition, is it possible that the $433,000 contribution made by Merck to the AAP might have influenced your position? Interesting to note: this was the same year the academy endorsed Merck’s HPV vaccine.
Perhaps the AAP should consult with Governor Rick Perry about disclosure.
Written by the SANE Vax Team on behalf of Gardasil® victims around the world, Norma Erickson, President
1. How Independent are Vaccine Defenders? July 2008; Sharyl Attkisson CBS News
SANE Vax to FDA: Recombinant HPV DNA found in multiple samples of Gardasil®
SANE Vax Inc. Announces the discovery of viral HPV DNA contaminant in Gardasil®
SANE Vax Inc. Discovers Potential Bio-Hazard Contaminant in Merck’s Gardasil® HPV4 Vaccine
SANE Vax Inc. Reports Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Contamination in Gardasil®
SANE Vax Inc. to Margaret Hamburg: Request the FDA Rescind Gardasil® Approval
Heather White says
Great! Thank you for another wonderful article.
Informed Mommy says
Thank you so much for this. It is well thought-out, well worded, and not typical of the pro-vaccine-at-all-cost propaganda that parents are bombarded with daily.
victor pavlovic says
Thank you for your excellent work, this is how it should be told in the media, instead they skip around the subject, afraid to be ridiculed by the people who have the most to lose, the drug promoters and their sponsors.
Norma says
Thank you for your support. It will be interesting to see how they respond, if they do.
Meg says
Thank you. This is yet another brazen denial of reality. Vaccines are maiming children. The AAP holds a share in that responsibility.
Rosemary says
Thank you SANEVAX for this letter.
My 12 year old daughter was disabled by Gardasil. We spent tens of thousands of dollars having her treated by some of the finest hospitals in the country. Our family was under much emotional stress during that time because we truly believed we were going to lose her. We still are because I believe the vaccine has harmed her for life. Who knows what the future holds for Gardasil Victims?
Michele Bachmann was correct to stand up for the victims of Gardasil. Gardasil injury is a huge problem and should be investigated.
The benefits definitely do not outweigh the risks.
The only consolation that my pediatrician offered me when my daughter became disabled was that this horrible vaccine was recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and as long as they recommended it, he will also.
His guidance after she became injured by something he recommended was that his only duty was to send her to the proper specialist. The parents are pretty much on their own once their child becomes vaccine injured. The doctors and members of the American Academy of Pediatrics do not have a clue how to treat them or recognize the side effects.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, CDC, and FDA need to investigate this vaccine. Wake up people! Our children’s health depend on you and you are asleep on the job!
Thank you for covering this issue.
Kate Whelan says
Interesting article. I shared this on my facebook page and have requests for sources of the statistics quoted in paragraph 5, relating to number of deaths and adverse events. Can you link me to the relevant information?
Norma says
All of the numbers quoted come from the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System). The databese can be accessed via this link – If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sandy L says
Is AAP aware of the fact that the vaccine may actually increase the risk of cancer?
This question will remain unanswered until at least the following issues are addressed:
– Lack of carcinogenicity testing (- absence of evidence is not evidence of absence)
– Replacement (virus strains which have been removed are ALWAYS replaced by new ones. It is completely unknown whether the new virus strains will be more carcinogenic than the original ones which have been removed).
– Presence of recombinant DNA (rDNA)
Is AAP aware of the fact that Gardasil contains polysorbate 80/Tween 80 which is used in drug targeting to render the blood-brain barrier more porous and so facilitate passage of substances through the barrier into brain tissue?
Is AAP aware of the fact that there is an increased risk of this occurrence with Gardasil – which contains both polysorbate 80 and neurotoxics?
Is AAP aware of the fact that this may increase the risk of brain damage?
Is AAP aware of the fact that thousands of girls suffer from serious adverse events after Gardasil vaccination and that many of these present symptoms resembling brain damage?
Is AAP aware of the fact that many girls have died after vaccination with Gardasil, and of the fact that the autopsies rarely if ever include thorough investigaton of brain tissue?
Is AAP aware of the fact that according to information from the manufacturer Merck, more than seven of ten may suffer from a new medical condition after Gardasil injection?
Is AAP aware of the fact that a considerable and growing number who criticise vaccines have medically related backgrounds and that many have studied the subject extensively for years – and are far more knowledgeable than the doctors/ pediatricians who are supposed to be able to answer questions about vaccine issues?
Is AAP aware of the fact that clinical trials and safety statistics are known to be frequently and grossly manipulated?
Is AAP aware of the fact that there is growing suspicion directed towards the academy and towards many other vaccine promoters because of widespread conflicts of interest?
Noreen says
Thank you for publishing your letter. More letters need to be written and to the newpapers and published. This is Outrageous that these children are dying and sufferring so badly all in the name of health??? Please! These children are not disposable (as the for profit corps look at them). What has happenned to compassion? The courts should order an automatic $1million dollars to these children for health care and then be RESPONSIBLE for them FOR LIFE. This will FORCE them to DO THE STUDIES they are AVOIDING. I found out the hard way as well with the HEP B, DPT, MMR and FLU (i was pro vaccine) boy was I misinformed!!! If you have any sort of recessive genes or any chance of getting an Autoimmune disease later in life (predisposition) you are NOW allowing for this to happen EARLY IN LIFE. No thanks…I’ll wait! Thank You parents and siblings and best friends who put the word out on Youtube and are writing. You are Saving Lifes by INFORMING. Something they don’t want YOU TO DO OR KNOW. Thank you for having the ethics and the Good Will toward your fellow human being. They LIE and HIDE behind Deceit. They are VIctimizing these CHILDREN and Leaving them for Dead with No Supports. That IS THE TRUTH!!!
Godofredo Arauzo says
La eficacia científica de esta vacuna recién se determinará los años 2025-2030 porque las investigaciones se han iniciado la década del 2000. Desde su inicio hasta la aparición del Carcinoma del cuello uterino (CCU), demora en promedio 25 a 30 años El PVH definitivamente no origina el (CCU); en la aparición de esta patología intervienen múltiples factores de riesgo, entre ellos se sospecha que puede ser el PVH; sí está comprobado que el acto sexual es el que genera esta enfermedad: Mix en 130,000 monjas no halló ningún CCU.
Para aceptar que un virus a bacteria es el que origina una enfermedad tiene que cumplir indefectiblemente los 5 principios del Postulado de Koch: .
1- El agente debe estar presente en cada caso de la enfermedad y ausente en los sanos.
2- El agente no debe aparecer en otras enfermedades.
3- El agente ha de ser aislado en un cultivo puro a partir de las lesiones de la enfermedad.
4- El agente ha de provocar la enfermedad en un animal susceptible de ser inoculado.
5- El agente ha de ser aislado de nuevo en las lesiones de los animales en experimentación.
1. Principio: no se ha encontrado el PVH físico en ningún carcinoma del cuello uterino (CCU), se ha encontrado su ADN por inmunología, que puede interpretarse como que el virus está presente o que es un residuo inmunológico. y su detección por inmunología no se ha conseguido en todos los CCU sino hasta el 90% de CCU: No cumple este primer principio;
2. Principio: El agente aparece también en las verrugas no aparece solamente en los CCU: Tampoco cumple este principio;
3. Principio: No se ha aislado cultivando a partir de un CCU: No cumple este principio
4. Principio: Al inocular el PVH a un animal de laboratorio, produce la enfermedad. Cómo no se ha aislado del CCU, no se ha inoculado a un animal de laboratorio. Incumple este principio y
5. Como no se inoculó porque no se halló en un CCU, no reproduce el CCU. Incumplió también este principio.
En consecuencia, el PVH no cumple ningún principio del postulado de Koch. al no cumplir este postulado que es aceptado como dogma en el mundo, científicamente se puede asegurar que no es el agente causante del CCU.
Hasta Marzo de este año han muerto 95 niñas; hasta el 2009 se habían producido 20,000 reacciones adversas y más de mil daños invalidantes irreversibles. La VAERS informa: que han producido 376 Papanicolaou anormales; 108 verrugas anogenitales, 224 infecciones con el PVH, 41 cánceres del cuello uterino, 21,634 efectos adversos y 95 muertes, después de la vacunación. La VAERS asegura que se dan a conocer solamente del 1 al 10% de los efectos adversos y muertes por esta aciaga vacuna, en consecuencia se han producido 216,340 efectos adversos y 950 muertes solamente en USA y a todas los daños enumerados agregarles un cero.
La Dra. Harper, la que contribuyó a la elaboración de la vacuna por Merck, refiere que la vacuna no fue investigada en menores de 15 años y la vacuna dada a menores de 11 años es un gran experimento público.
La vacuna fue aprobada para dar a niñas no contaminadas con el PVH; el Dr.Howenstinc publica que si se vacuna a mujeres contaminadas con el PVH, tienen la posibilidad de adquirir el CCU en un 44.6%
La Sane vax ha descubierta la contaminación de la vacuna gardasil con el DNA del PVH y ha elevado su preocupación a la presidenta de la FDA Margaret Hamburg
Para introducir la vacuna están utilizando el marketing del miedo:
El PVH vive en los animales domésticos y silvestres; nos contaminamos desde que nacemos; se halla en las perillas de las puertas, en las toallas, en las uñas, en los fomites, en los guantes y espéculos de los ginecólogos. Se duda que el acto sexual sea el único medio de contaminación
EL PVH VIVE TAMBIÉN EN LOS 400 NANÓMETROS MÁS EXTERNOS DE NUESTRA PIEL, Sí vive en nuestra piel, nuestro sistema inmunológico produce inmunidad celular y humoral adquirida o sea que nuestro organismo está siendo vacunado EN FORMA NATURAL por los PVH que viven en nuestra piel y por inferencia podemos asegurar que también viven en las mucosas..
Esta vacuna es transgénica; las vacunas que se conocen, son de virus originales, SE DESCONOCE los daños que producirá y está preparada para prevenir la infección por los PVHs 16 y 18
Los PVHs no se distribuyen en el mundo de manera uniforme. Se ha comprobado que en el Canadá el PVH 18 sólo llega al 3%; es más frecuente el PVH 31; en mi patria Perú no hay estudios que hayan determinado que tipos de PVH predomina;
Esta vacuna contiene 225 mcg. de aluminio, sospechoso de producir el Alzheimer y el Polisorbatol 80 que es un anticonceptivo potente y en los animales de experimentación produce esterilidad; es carcinogénico y mutagénico; contiene además el borato de sodio considerado veneno; no usado en las preparaciones medicinales.
Por las razones expuesta desde el Perú, profundo, Huancayo, considero que esta vacuna es un Fraude?, Robo?, Estafa?, Burla?. No está comprobada científicamente por el momento; su eficacia se comprobará recién los años del 2025-2030.
Dr. Godofredo Arauzo
Teléfono: 05164252052
Godofredo Arauzo says
The scientific efficacy of this vaccine will be determined just the years 2025-2030 because research has begun the decade of 2000. From its inception until the appearance of carcinoma of the cervix (CCU), takes on average 25 to 30 years; definitely not the HPV causes the (CCU); in the onset of this disease involve multiple risk factors, among them are suspected to HPV. yes it is proven that sex generates this condition: Mix in 130.000 nuns found no CCU.
To accept that a bacteria or virus causes a disease inevitably have to fulfill the Koch’s Postulates:.
1 – The agent must be present in every case of the disease and absent in the healthy.
2 – The agent should not appear in other diseases.
3 – The agent must be isolated in pure culture from lesions of the disease.
4 – The agent has to cause the disease in an animal capable of being inoculated.
5 – The agent must be isolated from new lesions in experimental animals.
1. Principle: not found any physical HPV cervical carcinoma (CCU), has found only his DNA immunology, which can be interpreted as the virus is present or is a residual immunity. and immunological detection was not meet in all CCU;only 90% of CCU: does not fulfill this first principle;
2. Principle: The agent also appears in the warts does not appear only in the CCU: not satisfy this principle;
3. Principle: It have not been isolated cultivating from a growing CCU: Does not fulfill this principle
4. Principle: The HPV inoculate a laboratory animal, produces the disease; as it have not been isolated from the CCU, it has not inoculated to laboratory animal; violates this principle and
5. As it was not inoculated in laboratory animal because they was not found in a CCU, . also violated this principle.
Consequently, HPV does not fulfill any principle of the Koch’s postulates; this postulates is accepted as dogma in the scientists physicia world to ensure that it is the causative agent of the CCU.
Until March of this year, 95 girls had death; until 2009 had 20.000 adverse effects and more of one thausand disabled irreversible damage. The Vaccine Adverse Effects Reaction (VAERS) reports too that the vaccine produced abnormal Pap 376, anogenital warts 108, HPV infections 224, 41 cervical cancers, 21.634 adverse events and 95 death after vaccination. The VAERS say that is known only 1 to 10% of adverse effects and deaths from unlucky vaccine; therefore, have been 216.340 adverse effects and 950 death alone in the U.S. and all the damages listed add a zero.
Dra. Harper, who helped develop the vaccine by Merck, refers that the vaccine was not investigated in children under 15 years and the vaccine given to children under 11 years is a big public experiment.
The vaccine was approved for girls to not contaminated with HPV; Dr.Howenstinc say that if women infected with HPV is vaccinated, have the opportunity to acquire a 44.6% CCU
Sane vax has discovered that the vaccine is contaminated with the DNA HPV and has raised its concerns to the president of the FDA Margaret Hamburg
To introduce the vaccine are using the marketing of fear:
The HPVs lives in wild and domestic animals, we pollute us from first day of birth, is found in the doorknobs, in towels, in the nails, on fomites, in gloves and specula of gynecologists. It is doubtful that sex is the only means of contamination
The PVH live too in 400 nanometers more external of our skin; if he HPV live on our skin, our immune system produces cellular and humoral immunity or that our bodies are being vaccinated in a natural way; if the HPV live in our skin, by inference we can ensure that too they live too in the mucous membranes ..
This vaccine is genetically modified, the vaccines known are original virus known and the vaccine is prepared to prevent infection only by the HPV 16 and 18
The HPV is not distributed uniformly over the world. The HPV 18 has been found in Canada in only 3%, more common is HPV 31, in my country Peru there are no studies that established the predominant HPV types;
This vaccine contains 225 mcg. Aluminum, a suspected cause Alzheimer’s and Polisorbatol 80 which is a powerful contraceptive; in experimental animals produces sterility; is carcinogenic and mutagenic, also contains sodium borate considered poison, not used in medicinal preparations.
For the dangerous reasons from Peru, depth, Huancayo, I believe that this vaccine is a Fraud?, Robbery?, Swindle? , Rough joke?; it is not scientifically proven at the moment, its effectiveness, will be determinated just the years of 2025-2030.
Dr. Godfrey Arauzo
E mail: godo.ara @
Phone: 05164252052
Godofredo Arauzo says
Huancayo Peru January 7, 2011
Minister of Health of Peru
Of my highest consideration:
I am writing. knowledge to make EsSalud of Huancayo, La Libertad, Arequipa, Sabogal, Rebagliati and Beacon have started vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) says in its advertising because it is the one that causes cervical carcinoma (UCC). There are several suspicious factors that favor the appearance of CCU including HPV, but this virus does not fulfill Koch’s postulate for consideration as the causative agent of the CCU, as EsSalud and manufacturers are promoting en masse. This vaccine is made from a virus laboratory has no toxicity study has been investigated in 11.000 and in only 5 years. They say that investigated by indirect methods, direct methods do not realistic nor ethical (Harper 2008). The vaccine was approved by the FDA for marketing in only 6 months and 9 months in Spain, when this term is 3 years prior to approval of Gardasil was tested on only 1,200 women, refuse companies selling vaccines provide data on the money invested in the propaganda (Systematic Medicine from 1911 to 2010). The vaccine was licensed for use only in youth that had not started having sex but are vaccinating women up to the 45.años;. yes there is evidence that vaccinating women infected with HPV, would increase by 44.6% CCU (Jara M 2010), the phase II clinical trial has not been published (Laurel AC 2009), vaccination is not justified, is a big business (Science Network 2009) and there is a blatant advertising campaign exaggerating the risk (Cam-Men 2009), in Spain for research has determined that prevent cervical cancer caused by HPV, it would cost 8 million euros, which is statistically unacceptable. Furthermore, the World Association for Cancer Research (WACRA) said the letter medical or scientifically been shown to be effective and in Europe two associations have formed a close of15, 000 leading researchers engaged in cancer and other association families affected by those seeking a moratorium vaccine until they determine their effectiveness, which will be only on 2025-2030. In USA has formed a group “The Truth About Gardasil” to women who ask to ban the so-called vaccine against cervical carcinoma which they accuse of having ruined the lives of their daughters and in some cases murdered if any . The HPV vaccine is not effective or safe, and prevent cervical cancer (
According to VAERS (acronym in English), System Reporting Adverse Vaccine Caused by the U.S. government to date in the U.S. alone there have been 81 deaths and over 20,000 adverse reactions, of whom 6% to 10 % were serious and only reported by 1% to 10%, extrapolating this data then there have been about 200,000 deaths and 810 adverse events (VAERS Report 2009) In India, vaccination was discontinued because caused 6 deaths (Dempeus 2010); after vaccination were two deaths in Austria and one in Germany (Suppository 2010), in Valencia a child had seizures after vaccination and currently remains in a wheelchair, another teenager 16 years old after the shot looks like a 50 year old person (Serra MJ 2009), in USA in February 2009 there were 638 serious adverse events: 544 seizures, 34 thrombosis, 9 and 51 cardiac arrests alopecia (Lleida, 2009); after injection there were 28 abortions (GineBlog 2009), 35 girls suffered severe reactions, two remain hospitalized (elPeriodico.Com 2009), in the Balearic a girl suffered 14 seizures a day after vaccination ( 2009), scientists from Spain, Germany and Canada require a moratorium on the vaccine until strong evidence of the safety and efficiency (Lajornada 2009), its effectiveness will be determined only on 2025-2030 (CHER 2010), the vaccinations are unjustified and are big business (Science Network 2009) and the high cost $ 1000 all 3 doses.
Dr. Bernat Soria Spain’s Health Minister says: “missing studies, evidence of adverse effects and uses up the budget for public health”, Dr. Carlos Alberto Dardet Professor of Public Health at the University of Alicante, Spain, and Director ournal of Epidemiology and Community Health says the HPV vaccine is: Fraud?, Scam?, Robo?, is the marketing of fear, the researcher says John Servas is a joke to the health of women.:
The pharmaceutical industry introduced drugs harmful to health: the etilestilbestrol that was used between the decades of 40 to 70 in women, especially pregnant women, was banned because it was found that originated the clear cell carcinoma in the vagina of women and changes genitourinary morphological tree, favoring estrogen breast carcinoma, thanks to research from the Women Health Initiative (WHI) was stopped being used, the thalidomina, the sweetener aspartame and more recently the massive and unnecessary mandatory vaccine influenza A in complicity with the WHO (Forcades 2009). Between 2000-2003 nearly all U.S. pharmaceutical companies spent by the court on charges of fraud and forced to pay more than $ 2.2 billion, 4 of them acknowledged their responsibility for criminal acts (http://www.scribd .com/doc/20359792/CRIMENES-FARMACEUTICOS-TERESA-FORCADES).
For the reasons apply to his office, Mr. Minister, issue a resolution declaring a moratorium on the vaccine against human papillomavirus, pending determination of their effectiveness, which is just between 2025-2030, our countrymen are not the guinea pig TNCs and the state will not squander their meager resources in an uncertain vaccine, in the experimental stage and no proven effective medical or scientific.
Dr. Godfrey Arauzo
Tel: 05164252052
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