February 28, 2011
Prepared by the SaneVax Team
SaneVax Analysis of VAERS Reports Post-HPV Vaccination
The SaneVax Team is working to prepare symptom-specific analyses of adverse events experienced after HPV vaccination with Gardasil® and Cervarix®, the currently FDA approved vaccines being marketed as cervical cancer prevention measures. All information in these reports comes directly from VAERS, the vaccine adverse event reporting system in the United States.
SaneVax Inc. is well aware of the limitations to the VAERS system. Not all adverse events are reported. The best estimates to date indicate only 1-10% of adverse events are actually filed in the system. Because VAERS is a voluntary system, and anyone can report an injury, there may be duplicate and/or heresay reports. Nevertheless, the system is the best we have to work with.
The content of each analysis is listed below as a link to each individual report:
The content of each analysis is listed below as a link to each individual report:
- Injuries and Death Post-HPV Vaccination
- Adverse Events Reported Post-HPV Vaccination
- Loss of Vision Post-HPV Vaccination
- Blindness After Cervarix® Vaccination
- Blindness Reported Post-HPV Vaccination
- Autoimmune Disorders Reported After HPV Vaccination
- Epilepsy After HPV Vaccination
- Convulsions/Seizures Post-HPV Vaccination
- Cerebral Palsy After HPV Vaccination
- ADEM Following HPV Vaccination
- Thrombocytopenic Purpura After HPV Vaccination
- Pancreatitis Reports After HPV Vaccination
The following charts were prepared by Janny Stokvis and Rosemary Mathis for presentation by Leslie Carol Botha and Freda Birrell to the British Society for Ecological Medicine in March 2011:
- Life threatening incidents post HPV Vaccines in relation to all other vaccines
- Emergency room visits post HPV Vaccines in relation to all other vaccines
- Hospitalizations post HPV Vaccines in relation to all other vaccines
- Extended hospital stay post HPV Vaccines in relation to all other vaccines
- Disabling events post HPV Vaccines in relation to all other vaccines
- Did not recover post HPV Vaccines in relation to all other vaccines
- Death post HPV Vaccines in relation to all other vaccines
- Total reports VAERS – Part 1
- Total reports VAERS – Part 2
- Total reports VAERS – Part 3
- Total reports VAERS – Part 4
Please feel free to print and distribute any and/or all of the reports above and distribute them. Medical consumers around the world need to know the potential risks, as well as the potential benefits of any vaccine before they decide whether the vaccine is right for them.
Gardasil: Indija Ustavila Poskusno HPV Cepljenje po smrti ¹estih deklet, v ZDA ¹e Niè po 68 Smrtnih ®rtvah…
Grozote ki jih povzroèata Merk & Co Gardasil cepivo in GlaxoSmithKline Cerivax cepiva, se nadaljujejo potem ko je ¹est deklic umrlo med poskusnim cepljenjem v Indiji. Ti dve cepivi zoper HPV sta vpleteni v vsaj 68 smrti v ZDA, a se odgovorni ¹e ved…