BusinessWire Press Release
Troy, Montana: According to Norma Erickson, President of SaneVax Inc., testimony provided for a coroner’s inquest into the death of Jasmine Renata in New Zealand by Dr. Sin Hang Lee, a pathologist on the medical staff at Connecticut’s Milford Hospital revealed the discovery of HPV DNA fragments in post-mortem samples 6 months after Gardasil® vaccination.
Dr. Lee’s testimony stated:
“The finding of these foreign DNA fragments in the post-mortem samples six months after vaccination indicates that some of the residual DNA fragments from the viral gene or plasmid injected with Gardasil® have been protected from degradation in the form of DNA-aluminum complexes in the macrophages; or via integration into the human genome.
Undegraded viral and plasmid DNA fragments are known to activate macrophages, causing them to release tumor necrosis factor, a myocardial depressant which can induce lethal shock in animals and humans.”
SaneVax’ work is serious, most impressive and admirable. The team’s Mission is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Efficient vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information.
However, the whole vaccine safety issue is turned upside down.
“It is not vaccine critics who must provide evidence that vaccines are dangerous; it is the vaccine promoters’ responsibility to prove that vaccines are safe and effective and that the benefits outweigh the risks.” – Marcella Piper-Terry.
The vaccine promoters, including Merck the manufacturer and health authorities have not proved that Gardasil is safe, effective and that the benefits outweigh the risks. They are unable to do this. They know so little about the vaccine that it is utterly impossible for the risks to be weighed against possible benefits. Consequently, there are no grounds whatsoever on which safety may be evaluated.
SaneVax has posed new and extremely relevant questions regarding Gardasil. These may be added to this already long yet incomplete list of unanswered questions.