By Norma Erickson, President Testimony provided by Dr. Sin Hang Lee via an international video link before Coroner Ian Smith in Wellington NZ revealed the discovery of Gardasil® HPV DNA fragments in post-mortem samples. This inquest was conducted to examine the facts surrounding the unexplained death of Jasmine Renata six months after Gardasil® vaccination. Dr. […]
SaneVax Announces Medical Surprise: Gardasil® HPV DNA discovered in post-mortem blood and spleen tissue
BusinessWire Press Release Troy, Montana: According to Norma Erickson, President of SaneVax Inc., testimony provided for a coroner’s inquest into the death of Jasmine Renata in New Zealand by Dr. Sin Hang Lee, a pathologist on the medical staff at Connecticut’s Milford Hospital revealed the discovery of HPV DNA fragments in post-mortem samples 6 months […]
Jasmine Renata’s Mysterious Death: Follow Coroner’s Inquest News Here
[SaneVax: Jasmine Renata, a teenager from New Zealand, died in her sleep six months after her third Gardasil® injection. A complete autopsy failed to determine the cause of her unexplained death. Coroner Ian Smith will spend the next two days conducting an inquest to attempt to determine the cause. Read her mother’s account of her last […]