[SaneVax: As school officials are advertising “No Shots, No School,” vaccine safety advocates across the country are raising awareness of the vaccine exemptions that exist for every American child. It is simply not logical that any medical intervention, including vaccines, can be administered on a one-size-fits-all basis. Your child has an individual medical history. That […]
Bill targets STD treatment for minors
Measure would allow preventive care, including HPV vaccine, without parental consent. By Michael Gardner SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown is considering whether to sign a little-noticed bill that would allow minors to receive preventive treatment for sexually transmitted diseases without parental consent, including vaccines for girls to combat the HPV virus, which can cause cervical cancer. […]
Money talks
California Daily Legislators who voted for ‘Gardasil Bill’ got $39,500 from drug’s manufacturer Many members of the California Legislature who voted in favor of a bill permitting children as young as 12 to agree to treatment to prevent sexually transmitted diseases without their parents knowledge or consent received campaign contributions from Merck, the pharmaceutical company […]
The Big G in California and Opting to Push Parents Out of the Picture
National Review Online The Corner By Kathryn Jean Lopez September 16, 2011 It’s not just on the presidential primary trail — and doctor’s offices — where Gardasil is a hot topic. There’s also the Sacramento halls of power. Right now, Gov. Jerry Brown has legislation waiting for his signature that would allow twelve-old-girls to get […]
Opponents: Calif. vaccine bill will give taxpayer boost to drug companies
Catholic News Agency By Kevin J. Jones September 9, 2011 Sacramento, Calif., Sep 7, 2011 / 04:58 pm (CNA).- California Gov. Jerry Brown should veto a bill allowing 12-year-olds to consent to STD vaccinations or treatment without their parents’ knowledge, bill opponents say. They warn that the bill violates parents’ rights and could give […]