[SaneVax: Despite decades of vaccinations aimed at preventing whooping cough, there were more reported cases during 2012 in the United States than before the vaccine was invented. The CDC’s answer is more booster shots. Will this solve the problem, or further exacerbate the issue?] Pertussis outbreak sparks debate over effectiveness of the vaccine By Jennifer […]
Tdap Vaccine Shown Safe?
[SaneVax: Tdap vaccine and older patients: How can a staff writer for MedPage Today possibly say that a four-fold increased risk of anaphylaxis (a rapidly progressing, life-threatening allergic reaction) and no analysis of ‘unexpected adverse events’ shows a vaccine to be safe? What kind of safety study does not look for unexpected adverse events? Isn’t that the […]
Does Your Child’s Education Depend on Vaccination Status?
[SaneVax: As school officials are advertising “No Shots, No School,” vaccine safety advocates across the country are raising awareness of the vaccine exemptions that exist for every American child. It is simply not logical that any medical intervention, including vaccines, can be administered on a one-size-fits-all basis. Your child has an individual medical history. That […]
CDC to Study Vaccines and Autism
David Kirby
Posted: March 18, 2011 05:46 PM
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants to study autism as a possible clinical outcome of immunization, as part of its newly adopted 5-year research agenda for vaccine safety, the agency said on its website.
The CDC will also study mitochondrial dysfunction and the potential risk for post-vaccine “neurological deterioration,” and convene an expert panel on the feasibility of studying health outcomes such as autism among vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
The CDC plan adopts recommendations approved by the National Vaccine Advisory Committee of the US Department of Health and Human Services. It also comes one month after the federal government’s leading autism body, the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), announced a shift in research priorities toward environmental triggers for autism, which the IACC said could include toxins, biological agents and “adverse events following immunization.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Immunization Safety Office Scientific Agenda indentified the need to research “Neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD)” as a possible clinical outcome of vaccination.
Vaccines are the foundation of pediatric medicine.
Vaccines Safety testing on the INTER-relationship of vaccines has NEVER been done. The vaccines on the schedule have never been tested together. Neither the CDC nor FDA can prove that the current schedule is safe. Vaccine ingredients basically fit into three groups: • Antigens– Protein cells or cell envelopes from bacteria and viruses• Adjuvants – […]