Discover This isn’t something a mother wants to hear: when you gave birth to your child, you laced it with millions of unseen forces that are shaping the way it thinks and behaves. Under their influence, your baby’s nerves will grow and connect in ways that will affect everything from how anxious to how coordinated […]
Truthiness in Advertising – Gardasil – It has Risks, Dangers, Side Effects
Virginia Hopkins Health Watch Without Gardasil, I Could be One Less Girl Harmed by Big Pharma Below is the script of a TV ad for Gardasil, a vaccine for the human papillomavirus (HP) which may cause cervical cancer. These ads have been widely broadcast and feature hip young skateboarding and drum-playing girls just wanting to […]
Care 2 Petition Site Target: U. S. FEDERAL AND STATE LEGISLATORS, DOCTORS (ESPECIALLY PEDIATRICIANS), PARENTS, STUDENTS Sponsored by: Sallie O. Elkordy Proposed Legislation: ALL VACCINES ARE BANNED. This legislation has been written in response to constant legislative proposals to increase the number of Vaccines required of children (one NY State Assemblyman even had the gall […]
The Second Leading Cause of Death in Young Women
The Huffington Post Mandy Moore Singer-songwriter, actress and PSI Ambassador Posted: February 1, 2011 09:12 AM Accidents are the number one cause of deaths for young women. Number two? Cancer deaths. And cervical cancer, in particular. In my role as an “ambassador” for the Stand Up To Cancer initiative, I’ve learned about the disease, and […]
Doctors, Nurses and Scientists on Protecting Your Child and Yourself
Natural News A Special Report, released by NaturalNews February 2, 2011 “This report is an absolute must-read for parents everywhere. It contains the facts about vaccines, children and immune health that the vaccine manufacturers and government health authorities don’t want circulated. Whether or not you choose to vaccinate yourself or your children, you owe […]