By Attorney Philippe Vanlangendonck, guest author from Belgium Translated by Helen Kimball-Brooke, European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV) The Colloquium and public hearing on the aluminium in vaccines, held in Paris on the 22nd May 2014: What immediate measures are required? Mandatory genetic tests before any aluminium-containing vaccine, or immediate moratorium on these aluminium-containing vaccines? As an […]
France Debates Vaccine Safety
By Norma Erickson, President On May 22, two conferences were held at the National Assembly on the subject of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines and the safety of HPV vaccines. (View the announcement here.) Organized by E3M and hosted by Virginia Belle, the morning conference was entitled, “Aluminum and Vaccines: International Expertise Demands Action.” (View schedule […]
France: Aluminum Adjuvants and HPV Vaccines Up for Debate
By Norma Erickson, President Paris, France: The use of aluminum adjuvants and HPV vaccines’ benefit versus risk profile will be under intense scrutiny and open scientific debate on May 22, 2014. Stakeholders from both sides of the vaccine debate will have an opportunity to present their case to members of the French Parliament, French Senate, […]