Science Daily ScienceDaily (Sep. 14, 2011) — In the course of examining the Drosophila tumor suppressor gene (Dlg), scientists at the Helmholtz Zentrum München have succeeded in decoding a new mechanism that regulates cell polarity in epithelial tissues or in neurons in the brain. The findings, which are presented in the current issue of Developmental […]
Bioethicists Not So Ethical When It Comes to Gardasil Injuries
Dr. Caplan et al., we are not willing to gamble with patient’s lives….. However, you and some of your associates are apparently willing to do just that. By Leslie Carol Botha, Vice-President Public Relations Janny Stokvis – Researcher and VAERS Analyst September 18, 2011 Time to get this story straight: – University of […]
Researchers: Gardasil Contains Recombinant HPV DNA
Dakota Voice By Bob Ellis on September 17th, 2011 By now you’ve no doubt heard about the latest attempt by the “mainstream” media and their fellow Leftists to brand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) as a nut job. After the recent Tea Party GOP debate, Bachmann was asked about her opposition to Rick Perry’s intention a […]