European Parliament [SaneVax: Michèle RIVASI, Member of the European Parliament, recently put forth a press release calling for a ban on government subsidized HPV vaccines stating, “This unnecessary, dangerous vaccine must be withdrawn!” ] Press Release Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia, 26th November 2013 Gardasil: this unnecessary, dangerous vaccine must be withdrawn from the market. Charges of “involuntary attack on […]
Vaccines: More harm than good in China?
Harm [SaneVax: The Chinese press states that for each life saved by vaccination in their country one thousand children are injured. Is this what government health authorities mean when they say, “The benefits of vaccinations substantially outweigh the risks?” How long will society condone the practice of sacrificing 1,000 to save a single life?] Kill or […]
Tetanus: Risk of the Disease versus Risk of Vaccination
Tetanus [SaneVax: Consenting to any medical intervention requires an analysis of the risks versus benefits – this includes vaccines. Tetanus vaccines are no exception. How serious is tetanus should you contract it? What are the real-world chances you will be exposed to it? What treatment options are available should you contract tetanus? How effective is the […]