Fibromyalgia Like Illness Fibromyalgia Like Illness after HPV Vaccination Author: Martínez-Lavín, Manuel MD Journal of Clinical Rheumatology To the Editor: Chronic arthralgias are recognized human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine side effects. The United Kingdom National Health Service Web page contains the following statement: “More than 1 in 100 people who have the Gardasil HPV vaccine experience fever, […]
SaneVax warning to parents and teachers in Colombia
Warning for Columbia Watch for side-effects after HPV vaccinations By Norma Erickson HPV vaccines were recently approved for use in Colombia. Administration of these vaccines has been followed by hundreds of young girls suffering from ‘mysterious’ symptoms being admitted to local hospitals and medical facilities. Experts from around the world are being transported to Colombia […]
After Gardasil: Will I ever get my normal life back?
By Helena Overgaard Andersen, Helsingør, Denmark I am a 15-year-old girl from Denmark, who unfortunately has been harmed by the HPV vaccine like thousands of other girls worldwide. I had no idea that this vaccine could change my life so much and take away all my energy. Since I was vaccinated I have been having […]
Gardasil: My Family Suffers with Me
Family Suffers My Family Suffers with Me: by Heidi Juul Pedersen, Frederikshavn, Northern Part of Jutland, Denmark My husband and I have three young children. Before Gardasil, we were a very active family and did a lot of different things with our children – we had fun. I personally have always walked a lot, up to […]
UK: Concerns over cervical cancer jab side-effects
By Janet Boyle, The Sunday Post Hundreds of schoolgirls have experienced adverse reactions to the new cervical cancer jab. A health watchdog has admitted 1,001 suspected side-effects have been reported since the Gardasil vaccine was introduced into the UK six months ago. They include cases of girls aged just 12 and 13 suffering seizures, breathing difficulties, […]