Opinion by Tim Bolen, Consumer Advocate
I’ve been working on this story for months. There are so many parts and paths to it, and the information I have gathered is so shocking, it is simply difficult to write.
Maybe it is taking so long because I don’t want to be the messenger.
And, I am going to have to break this story up into several parts.
Starting Point…
A man named Brian Hooker PhD has recently filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in Washington DC against the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) demanding that the CDC quit stalling on his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and provide him with the public information he is looking for. Hooker has been making specific FOIA requests to the CDC since March 11, 2005 on the subject of the CDC’s five “Thimerosal in vaccines studies.” The CDC claims, falsely, that these five studies prove the safety and efficacy of Thimerosal.
Hooker had adequate reasons to be suspicious of the CDC, and their Thimerosal position. I will give you those details in another article.
Hooker is a scientist and knows how studies are supposed to be done. When he examined those five CDC studies he found a number of serious credibility issues with every one of them. So he began asking questions, and it wasn’t long before the CDC shut the door. Illegally.
The CDC simply did not want a real scientist asking them pointed questions.
Hooker wants the details, including all communications between the parties involved in the studies’ communications (letters, emails, etc.). He has accumulated, over time, a massive amount of information on the subject, and is insistent on getting, and examining, every last piece of paper, email, whatever. The CDC is falling all over itself trying to keep records away from Brian Hooker.
Hooker has a thirteen year old son with Autism. As usual, Brian Hooker’s son was just fine prior to being vaccinated.
I have seen what Brian Hooker has already gathered and on the basis of that alone I can easily reach the conclusion, as you would, that:
The CDC Has Known All Along How Dangerous Vaccines Are – and Has Covered It Up…
What I am going to tell you about in this article is that the anti-vaccination movement is absolutely right in their concerns about the vaccine situation, and, in fact, many parts of the movement would be far more upset if they knew what I NOW KNOW.
The situation is far worse than you can imagine.
So, let’s begin…
Where we are…
There is a massive vaccine construction based in the United States that controls an integral part of the world-wide health care offering. That construction is, rightfully so, a major subject for argument. That “vaccine construction” is made up of an unholy alliance between Federal/State agencies and the vaccine industry. It operates without ANY oversight. None. All efforts to even monitor it are blocked. All efforts.
To balance that there is, world-wide, a significant “anti-vaccination” movement made up of very solid, concerned people. This movement, itself, is diverse in its interests and focus. Often there is disagreement among advocates about the problems and possible solutions.
Read more….
Read part two here.
Read part three here.
Read part four here.
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