[SaneVax: The vaccine manufacturing industry has little enough regulation as it is. Both the FDA and the CDC have betrayed the public trust repeatedly by failure to require adequate scientifically sound clinical trials of vaccines prior to approval. Now, the military joins in the vaccine production game. This takes the concept of ‘public-private partnerships’ way too far.]
Martial law shakes hands with the US vaccine program
By Jon Rappoport
(NaturalNews) Who knew the Pentagon had muscled into the US vaccine program?
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has been doing research on vaccine production. They’ve found a way to produce flu vaccines a lot faster than Big Pharma.
( http://rt.com/usa/news/future-vaccine-darpa-research-255/ )
Utilizing vaccines grown on tobacco cells, instead of the traditional chicken eggs, DARPA has turned out a staggering 10 million doses of flu vaccine in just one month.
This “Blue Angel” project, as it’s called, suddenly puts the Pentagon in the forefront of the vaccine business. The big question is: why is the Army involved in vaccines at all? And the answer is no surprise. According to DARPA, it’s all about readiness in containing bio-threats. Translated, that means terrorist attacks that could use flu viruses.
This is a sinister development. It creates a potential scenario in which the military can invent the “bio-threat” and then step in and provide the solution. It doesn’t really matter whether the bio-threat is real or imaginary.
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