[SaneVax: The vaccine manufacturing industry has little enough regulation as it is. Both the FDA and the CDC have betrayed the public trust repeatedly by failure to require adequate scientifically sound clinical trials of vaccines prior to approval. Now, the military joins in the vaccine production game. This takes the concept of ‘public-private partnerships’ way […]
Aborted Fetal Cell Lines Used in Vaccines
[SaneVax: Most medical consumers, and some physicians, are not aware that cell lines used in vaccine production sometimes come from aborted fetal tissues.] From “Cell lines from aborted human fetus in vaccine production,” by Ragnhild Madsen, vaccine questions. Some of today’s vaccines are cultivated on cell lines from aborted human fetuses. This itself promotes ethical questions, which is […]
Holly Springs Novartis plant preparing for pandemic
By John Murawski, HOLLY SPRINGS – Pharmaceutical giant Novartis on Monday declared its $1 billion vaccine production plant, the first such facility of its kind, ready to inoculate Americans against the next global pandemic outbreak. The sprawling laboratory is more than four years in the making. It is designed to supply emergency vaccine to one […]
In development: a vaccine for acne
New Scientist Health 12:35 23 September 2011 by Debora MacKenzie First it was smallpox. Then polio. Now science has another of humanity’s scourges in its sights: acne. Sanofi-Pasteur, the world’s biggest vaccine company, has signed a contract with the University of California, San Diego, to develop “an immunological approach to acne prevention and treatment”. Acne […]