By Norma Erickson, President

SaneVax asks: Have you begun to wonder exactly who the FDA works for? Is the FDA here to protect your health, or pharmaceutical company interests? Does the FDA suppress natural health alternatives? Should the FDA be allowed to dictate what you may, and may not eat? Why are FDA agents armed? Is the FDA forcing genetically modified foods down your throat?
International expert in nutrition and health sciences, and staunch advocate for the natural health movement, Gary Null PhD, has produced a new documentary that may provide the answers to all of these questions and more. The premiere showing of The War on Health: The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny will take place at the New York Society for Ethical culture, June 15, 2012 at 7pm EST, followed by a live question and answer session with Gary Null, victims of the FDA’s failures, and special guests at the forefront of exposing this bureaucratic monstrosity called the FDA. The film promises never before seen footage and never before heard evidence that will SHOCK you into action.
For those unable to attend, there will be a one-time LIVE SIMULCAST online of the documentary and Q&A session. Watch the official movie trailer below and follow the instructions to access the simulcast. Remember, YOU MUST RSVP to this event on Facebook in order to receive the live stream code!
Go to this link to RSVP:
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