By: Norma Erickson
10 September 2010
Amidst all of the controversy over HPV vaccinations worldwide, mothers in the United Kingdom have yet another concern. It seems that according to a little known law, children as young as 12 are able to give consent for medical procedures, including HPV vaccinations, without parental consent, as long as a physician deems they are competent to do so.
Any responsible adult must ask how a child of 12 can understand all of the possible ramifications of receiving such a controversial vaccine. Will they understand, or be informed of the potential risks involved? Will the girls be aware of the fact the HPV vaccine may or may not protect them for life? Will they understand they still must comply with cervical cancer screening requirements to remain safe from cervical cancer? Will they be capable of letting the doctor know about any pre-existing allergies, or medical conditions that may exclude them from being a candidate for HPV vaccination?
Wendy E. Stephen wants these, and many more questions answered. She has written and distributed a letter outlining her concerns to various Scottish health officials. Every parent around the world should be asking the same questions Wendy is asking.
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