Help Stop
By Norma Erickson

[IMPORTANT NOTE: The SaneVax Team has discovered that a few hours after this article was posted, the petition below was either removed from the website or otherwise made inaccessible. We cannot believe this was done by the National Cervical Cancer Vaccine Victim Liaison Committee. They have been working too hard to ban HPV vaccines in Japan.
The SaneVax Team would like to let the National Cervical Cancer Vaccine Victim Liaison Committee know that citizens of the world are watching the HPV vaccine developments in Japan very closely. Your efforts to protect Japanese citizens from unnecessary harm are greatly appreciated. You have our support.
After much searching, and some help from our friends – the link below is now working.]
Citizens of the world are being asked to help Japan ban the use of Gardasil and Cervarix. The experiences women in Japan have had after HPV vaccine use has shown the risks outweigh the advertised benefits.
The rate of serious adverse reactions Japanese women experienced after Cervarix injections are 52 times the rate of those reported after annual influenza vaccines; serious adverse reactions after Gardasil are 22 times the number reported after flu shots.
Only 0.7% of Japanese women experience infections with HPV 16 or 18. 90% of these infections clear on their own without medical intervention. Even many pre-cancerous lesions heal naturally before advancing to cervical cancer. Adequate screening and gynecological care available in Japan eliminates the need for vaccines which at best might benefit less than 1% of the female population.
At the present time, there is no credible evidence that these vaccines will reduce the rates of cervical cancer. The Japanese people believe there is no reason to expose their women to any risk of serious adverse reactions from unproven vaccines when safe and effective ways of controlling the disease are in place.
Therefore, the National Cervical Cancer Vaccine Victim Liaison Committee has organized a petition to ban the use of both Gardasil and Cervarix in Japan. It is currently available for anyone in the world to sign. This petition, which will be submitted to Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Vaccine Side Effects Committee, puts forth the following demands:
- Ban the use of HPV vaccines in Japan
- Investigate all who were vaccinated
- Acknowledge any serious adverse reactions
- Establish treatment and generous relief for victims
These demands are more than reasonable considering Japan’s experience with the use of HPV vaccines. You can help Japanese women by signing their petition on this site – National Cervical Cancer Vaccine Victim Liaison Committee Petition.
Instructions for those who do not read Japanese are below.
On the top right hand side of the site you will find the following boxes. Enter the information requested, as follows:
姓 – your last name
名 – your first name
Eメールアドレス – your email address
国 – country where you reside.
郵便番号 – your postal code.
コメント – any comment. Whatever you wish to say to the Japanese Government health officials
and then, press that RED
Japanese women are not alone in their experiences with Gardasil and Cervarix. The problem is global. Government health officials around the world are choosing to ignore the facts while continuing to promote HPV vaccines without proven benefits.
Stand united with the women of Japan. Make sure government officials worldwide understand you and your family will not submit to the risk of serious side effects of a product with unproven benefits. Sign their petition.
As the mother of two children who have vaccine injuries, I support the women of Japan in their effort to stop the use of the HPV vaccines.
I’m sorry to hear that about your daughters. Can you give some example as to what symptoms they have experienced so far? Thank you
When i clicked on the link and it translated it to English, it said “We could not find that page” . PLEASE post an updated link so I can sign it!
I was able to sign the petition early this morning. By this afternoon, the link was no longer functional. Evidently ‘someone’ has removed the petition from the care2 site. I cannot imagine that it would have been the people who originated the petition. They have been working too hard to get HPV vaccines banned in Japan. The SaneVax Team sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience. We will continue to watch the situation in Japan closely and provide whatever support we are able to offer.
Stop poisoning these children!
The petition is back.
The other night when I tried the first time, I got an error and after that,
I could not put the mouse in the brackets. Yet just now, I tried again
(same URL ) and I was able to sign.
Also, as I wrote in the comment
it automatically reads “your country” so you don’t have to
worry about figuring out your country’s name in Japanese. ;o)
Hope many more will join us.
Thank you!
And thank you Norma for putting this info up here.
You are certainly welcome. Japan is leading the world on this one – they are taking the complaints of their citizens seriously. Every country in the world should follow their lead.
It is utterly imperative that information be widely spread concerning the many young girls in Japan who are already deeply suffering as a result of the HPV vaccines.
Many now suffer from brain damage. A possible contributing factor is the fact that polysorbate facilitates passage of neurotoxic aluminium through the blood-brain barrier where it accumulates in the brain tissue.
From the HPV VAERS adverse event reporting system we see many cases of abnormal PAP smears, cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer after HPV vaccines. These conditions are extremely unusual in young girls.
Generally, the numbers of vaccine adverse events are grossly under reported and may be as low as one per cent of the actual number of cases.
There are signals that there is worse to come.
Studies show that when women are vaccinated in early pregnancy there is increased risk of giving birth to babies being born with deformities.
Numerous formal attempts to gain access the study by the teratologists have hitherto been unsuccessful.
Merck has paid the Norwegian authorities for access to information regarding thousands of Norwegian girls who are being vaccinated with Gardasil:
“The government of Norway committed to establishing an HPV vaccine registry for the entire country. Merck will use data from the HPV vaccine registry and existing birth registers in Norway to analyze pregnancy exposures and outcomes”.
This information includes the numbers of miscarriages and babies born with deformities.
Thousands of Norwegian girls are unaware that they are being used in a gigantic research experiment.
Clinical trials for vaccines are conducted for short periods of time, yet autoimmune conditions present long after vaccinations, sometimes years afterwards.
It is ironic that Gardasil may actually cause cancer due to:
– Lack of carcinogenicity testing of the vaccine
– Replacement (virus strains removed by the vaccine may be replaced by cancer causing strains)
– Presence of aluminium bound recombinant DNA (rDNA), the consequences of which are unknown and may be horrific
– Girls who are previously infected with the HPV virus and then get vaccinated with HPV vaccines may have considerably increased risk of cervical cancer
The HPV vaccines are often misappropriately termed cancer vaccines. It will be an ironic and tragic stroke of fate if they are shown to cause a cancer epidemic.