By Laraine C. Abbey
15 January 2011
The apparently orchestrated attack on Doctor Andy Wakefield is most interesting. It’s rather amazing that the British Medical Journal (BMJ), having been around since the mid-eighteen hundreds, would risk tarnishing its reputation with such ghastly stories. It is fascinating to observe what appears to be an attack that is nothing short of sinister. Perhaps it would be revealing to trace the REAL source(s) behind this witch-hunt––within, or reporting to, BMJ.
Parents of vaccine-damaged children are convinced that journalist Brian Deer may not be a ‘lone wolf’ but rather a ‘lackey’ possibly supported by pharmaceutical sources. What is suddenly driving this vendetta against a medical doctor who follows in the professional footsteps of so many martyred heroes like Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, the peer-rejected physician who advocated physician hand-washing after autopsies and woman-to-woman bodily examinations prior to attending women in childbirth?
Why is this old Wakefield story reactivated at this time? To my mind there’s only one answer: Follow the money.
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