By Paul Sircus, AC, OMD, Citizen Journalist
Many other people’s opinions, including mine, swing 180 degrees opposite: If there’s one thing noteworthy about the medical establishment’s behavior around vaccines, it is its complete immunity to evidence, science, and reason. And the evidence is arrayed against the vaccine industry; vaccines do kill children and do cause all kinds of damage, but they don’t like to talk about that.
The world is flat to vaccine proponents; they can only see the good they are doing and not the bad. They shamelessly hide the truth—the statistics of vaccine damages—which are the last thing they want paraded in front of the public. And the CDC itself admits, “The age at which infants begin their primary course of vaccinations (2 to 4 months old) is also the peak age for the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).” Of course they don’t see the connection and even say so on their official site.
The truth is that last week, “Australia’s chief medical officer Jim Bishop said health professionals should immediately stop immunizing children under five years old with the flu vaccine.
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