Vac Truth
by Christina England
February 2, 2011
A few weeks ago I uncovered the appalling story of how parents in India were prevented from speaking out when their baby daughter died following the pentavalent vaccine. (1) Ancy, was just 56 days old, when she died within hours of the vaccine, however, her death was immediately swept under the carpet by the authorities who silenced her parents before claiming that Ancy had died from apnea.
On 25th January 2012 IBN Live (2) reported that even though the Health Department had denied the possible connection between the administration of the pentavalent vaccine and the death of the baby, the postmortem report had revealed that her death was caused by a hypersensitivity reaction.
This unusual and highly controversial move by the coroner to write that a hypersensitivity reaction was the cause of death in his report appears to confirm the parent’s belief that Ancy died as a result of the vaccine, although IBN Live continued their report by adding that:
“The postmortem certificate leaves a loophole with regard to hypersensitivity, the report being unspecific on hypersensitivity to what source. While in general usage by scientists and doctors, the term hypersensitivity refers to a very unusual allergic reaction to a vaccine. Health Secretary Rajeev Sadanandan said further studies were needed to conclusively prove as to whether it was the vaccine that triggered the allergy.”
I doubt if the coroner could safely be any more specific and given the age of the child it is highly probable that she did die as a result of the vaccination.
The pentavelent vaccine is a 5 in 1 vaccine. This means that the vaccine protects a person from five individual diseases but instead of receiving five separate vaccines the person, in this case a baby, receives only one. In Ancy’s case we know that she received a vaccine containing diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B, Hib or meningitis.
Vaccines are made up of several different substances. To enable me to explain this in more detail I will begin by quoting Dr Viera Scheibner. (3) Dr Scheibner says that:
Vaccines contain a number of substances which can be divided into the following groups:
1. Micro-organisms, either bacteria or viruses, thought to be causing certain infectious diseases and which the vaccine is supposed to prevent. These are whole-cell proteins or just the broken-cell protein envelopes, and are called antigens.
2. Chemical substances which are supposed to enhance the immune response to the vaccine, called adjuvants.
3. Chemical substances which act as preservatives and tissue fixatives, which are supposed to halt any further chemical reactions and putrefaction (decomposition or multiplication) of the live or attenuated (or killed) biological constituents of the vaccine.
A Parents Basic Guide To Synergistic Toxicity
When a baby receives a vaccine the desired immune response is the production of antibodies. Dr Scheibner says that this is enhanced by adding certain substances to the vaccines. These substances as she explains are called adjuvants. She says:
There are several types of adjuvants. Today the most common adjuvants for human use are aluminium hydroxide, aluminium phosphate and calcium phosphate. However, there are a number of other adjuvants based on oil emulsions, products from bacteria (their synthetic derivatives as well as liposomes) or gram-negative bacteria, endotoxins, cholesterol, fatty acids, aliphatic amines, paraffinic and vegetable oils. Recently, monophosphoryl lipid A, ISCOMs with Quil-A, and Syntex adjuvant formulations (SAFs) containing the threonyl derivative or muramyl dipeptide have been under consideration for use in human vaccines.
Many professionals believe that it is a combination of these aduvants mixed together that are affecting children so adversely. This is known as synergistic toxicity and can worsen when a child receives multiple vaccines.
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