By Shania’s Mother There is hope out there for those who have been severely injured following the HPV vaccine Gardasil. This is the story of Shania who has accomplished much since she was first struck down in 2009, read on ……. At the age of 12, Shania was already a 3 time State Champion Swimmer […]
My Personal Gardasil Journey
By Kristin Clulow Hello from Newcastle, NSW, Australia. My name is Kristin Clulow. I am currently 29 years old, and I am a Gardasil survivor. If someone had told me four years ago that my life would be where it is now, there is no way I would have believed it. Simply put, I am […]
Gardasil Injured Joelle from Australia
Story as told by Susan, Joelle’s mum: Joelle became chronically unwell in December 2007. She was 16 years old. I did not initially link the Gardasil vaccination to my daughter’s current illness until after the 3rd shot. It briefly crossed my mind after she suffered a short illness following her 2nd shot of Gardasil but […]
Naomi from Australia
Naomi, Australia: Prior to Gardasil, Naomi was a happy, healthy 25 year old completing her Bachelor’s degree while working full-time in administration. She was about to embark on a Post Graduate Degree in Journalism. Despite being kept busy by work and study, she found the time to go out with friends and dance at their […]
Felicia from Nunawading
Felicia Beaumont -Nunawading, Australia My problems started a few days after my first Gardasil shot; though I didn’t connect them to it as I’ve never had an adverse reaction to [or been allergic to] anything in my life. My symptoms include skin problems, twitching, muscle cramps and stiffness, muscle weakness, ice pick headaches, brain fog […]