By Joel Lord
Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s 1998 Study demonstrated “anti-myelin antibodies and digestive tract pathologies in children with autism after being given the Urabi strain triple live virus MMR vaccine. All 12 children in the Study had intestinal abnormalities (known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease), with chronic inflammation in the colon in 11 of the children. Noted behavioral disorders included autism in 9, disintegrative psychosis in 1, and possible post-viral or vaccinal encephalitis (acute brain inflammation) in 2.
Since that release there have been countless other studies verifying exactly the same pattern – including the presence of measles lingering in the bowels of young children who have gotten of the Measles-Mumps-Rubella shot (MMR).
The Urabi strain MMR vaccine purchased by GlaxoSmitheKline for distribution in the UK, a triple live virus version, was directly responsible for an sudden spike in childhood Meningitis in the UK. It had been banned from use in Canada & was warned against further use in Britain by Canadian specialists. This was all suppressed by GSK & The British Gov’t. They are solely to blame for this crisis.
Contrary to CNN, it was this groundswell of parents who began to reject the MMR shot – because they saw that it was clearly implicated in Inflammatory Bowel Disease & the sudden appearance of early onset Autism in many of these children. The stigma around the MMR shot wasn’t Wakefield’s fault in the least. He just supplied parents with the knowledge, did what any sensible doctor should do in his position; thus clarifying what “informed consent” is supposed to provide for parents in the first place – safety.
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