From the December 2007 Idaho Observer:
By Ingri Cassel
Aluminum is the third most abundant element (8 percent) in the Earth’s crust, exceeded by oxygen (47 percent) and silicon (28 percent). Because of its strong affinity to oxygen, aluminum never occurs as a metal in nature but is found only in the form of its compounds, such as alumina.
This strong affinity to oxygen also explains why it withstood all attempts to prepare it in its elemental form until well into the 19th century. The metal’s name is derived from alumen, the Latin name for alum.
Aluminum has been described as “a protoplasmic poison and a pernicious and persistent neurotoxin.”
While the body is able to excrete aluminum in its natural form, the element, like mercury, is toxic to all lifeforms when concentrated in their tissues.
No living systems use aluminum as part of a biochemical process. It has a tendency to accumulate in the brain and, to a lesser extent, in the bones. It is considerably less toxic than mercury, arsenic, lead or cadmium, but it appears to be more persistent than any of them. The danger is one that only manifests itself over long periods of time. It is certainly prudent to avoid as many known sources as possible. However, in today’s world, aluminum cannot be completely avoided; it is in our water, our food, the air we breathe, the soil and numerous pharmaceutical products including vaccines.
The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) on aluminum confirms that aluminum is a poison that accumulates in the brain and tissues of the body. The MSDS on aluminum states the following under Ingestion: “Chronic ingestion of aluminum may cause Aluminum related Bone Disease or aluminum-induced Osteomalacia with fracturing Osteodystrophy, microcytic anemia, weakness, fatigue, visual and auditory hallucinations, memory loss, speech and language impairment (dysarthria, stuttering, stammering, anomia, hypofluency, aphasia, and, eventually, mutism), epileptic seizures (focal or grand mal), motor disturbances (tremors, myoclonic jerks, ataxia, convulsions, asterixis, motor apraxia, muscle fatigue), dementia (personality changes, altered mood, depression, diminished alertness, lethargy, ‘clouding of the sensorium’, intellectual deterioration, obtundation, coma), and altered EEG.
In simple terms, the most notable symptoms of aluminum poisoning are diminishing intellectual function, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate and, in extreme cases, full blown dementia and Alzheimers. Aluminum toxicity also causes bone softening and bone mass loss, kidney and other soft tissue damage and, in large enough doses, can cause cardiac arrest.”
This last “symptom” occurred with a political prisoner we are in touch with. He collapsed in the yard due to unknown causes and was finally diagnosed with incredibly high amounts of aluminum as being one of the culprits.
The last three decades have seen a steady increase of aluminum in our environment and diet. In 2006, the United States alone produced approximately 2.37 million tons of aluminum. In 1986, that figure was about 1.4 million tons. The total amount of aluminum in the average “healthy” adult today is from 50 to 150 mg. The estimated amount being ingested through food and water, excluding medications, ranges from 10 mg. to more than 100 mg. Specific nutrients such as ascorbates, sulfur and magnesium contribute to our body’s ability to excrete aluminum efficiently while a deficiency in these same nutrients will cause our body to deposit aluminum in our bones, lungs and brain (50 percent in our skeleton, 25 percent in lung tissue, 25 percent in the brain.)
According to the Nutrition Almanac, “Trace amounts of aluminum applied to the brain surface of animals resulted in seizures and fits. Other studies demonstrated that aluminum salts injected into the fluid surrounding the brain produced changes that are similar to those occurring in senile dementia. In further animal studies, cats given aluminum became slow learners at experimental tasks. The level of aluminum in the cats’ brains was equivalent to the amount in the brains of persons who have a type of senility called Alzheimer’s disease.“
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