Dear Mr Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the CHMP Committee
I am sending the undernoted to all the members of your Committee
The two Press Releases, the one attached above “Sane Vax Inc announces the discovery of Viral HPV DNA Contaminant in Gardasil and the following link to “Sane Vax Inc discovers potential biohazard contamination in Merck’s Gardasil HPV 4 Vaccine” have to both be read to be believed.
By accident and not by design, information was sent to Sane Vax Inc from a mother in Canada who advised us that her daughter was found to have HPV DNA in her blood 2 Years Post-Vaccination with Gardasil. This was verified by Dr Sin Hang Lee, Pathologist at the Milford Hospital Pathology Laboratory who found no reason to question the local laboratory’s findings.
As it was regarded that this discovery was ‘not normal’ it was decided to analyse a vial of Gardasil. This sample tested positive for recombinant (genetically engineered) viral HPV-11 and viral HPV-18 residues, both of which were firmly attached to the aluminium adjuvant. To make certain that this analysis could be replicated it was decided to obtain other vials, with different lots numbers from various countries around the world. The Gardasil vials with different lot numbers were from New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Poland, France and three states in the U.S. 100% of the samples tested positive for the presence of the genetically modified HPV DNA and the lots tested came from four separate manufacturing facilities.
As indicated above this discovery was by accident and not by design. However, it raises many serious issues which now have to be dealt with by our respective governments in London, in Edinburgh and by the European Parliament. We have been advised by the JCVI, by the European Parliament, by the FDA and by Merck that the HPV vaccines do not contain any viral DNA. This is recorded in links 1, 2 and 3 below and is the official wording from these organisations.
There are now many serious questions which have to be raised regarding this discovery:
- What action do the UK Government, Scottish Parliament and European Parliament intend to take on this matter?
- Gardasil is licensed in the UK and comes under the safety umbrella of our Government’s Agencies; Cervarix has been administered in our schools since 2008 (though there is speculation that it will be replaced in the UK by Gardasil) and it is imperative that the same type of analysis has to be carried out to ensure the safety of Cervarix;
- In the light of what has been discovered nothing can be taken for granted;
- How many adolescents who have suffered adverse reactions post Gardasil vaccination have HPV DNA in their blood?
- What are the medical ramifications if HPV DNA should remain in the blood stream for an extended period of time?
- Is the aluminium adjuvant a carrier for the HPV DNA?
- What happens if genetically engineered DNA enters a human host cell?
- Will it mutate the host cell leading towards cancer and other autoimmune disorders?
- The Medical profession and consumers need to have these questions answered NOW because of the new programme which starts again this September; otherwise serious repercussions could arise if no action is taken;
- Will proper checks be carried out on Cervarix to ensure that this vaccine does not contain any contaminations bearing in mind it is also a genetically modified vaccine produced by similar manufacturing techniques?
- Many reports and correspondence have been sent to the UK and Scottish governments informing them of girls who have become seriously ill after vaccination with Cervarix, very similar symptoms to girls who became ill after Gardasil; could these now come back to haunt them if this information is not taken seriously and proper investigations carried out?
Freda Birrell
East Lothian – Scotland
Secretary Sane Vax Inc –
References: 1
(end of page 1 and beginning of page 2):
HPV vaccines are sub-unit vaccines made from the major protein of the viral-coat or capsid of HPV.Virus-like particles (VLPs) are prepared as recombinant proteins from either yeast or baculovirus infected cells that are derived from a type of moth. VLPs mimic the structure of the natural virus but do not contain any viral DNA.
This is a reference to both Gardasil and Cervarix – Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation 2
See 5. Pharmacological Properties
5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties
….. Since the VLPs contain no viral DNA, they cannot infect cells, reproduce or cause disease. This is a reference to Cervarix, European Medicines Agency BloodVaccinesandOtherBiologics/VaccinesandRelatedBiologicalProductsAdvisoryCommittee/UCM231522.pdf 3
Page 12, 3.2
3.2 GARDASIL®- The Quadrivalent HPV (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) Vaccine
…. GARDASIL® is not a live virus vaccine; it contains no viral DNA, and is therefore incapable of causing infection.
Explanation of the word ‘Viral’
Viral is any DNA (whole or partial) that originally came from a virus, in this case the HPV virus, and that could include natural DNA, wild DNA or genetically engineered DNA
The European Medicine agency responded with the following email:
Dear Ms Birrell,
Please find herewith attached the response to your request.
Kind Regards,
Document & Information Services
European Medicines Agency
7 Westferry Circus
Canary Wharf
E14 4HB
United Kingdom
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have now been published on the Agency’s website. It comprises answers to the most commonly asked questions submitted to the EMA. You are invited to consult it here: (see attachment below)
Read the reply from Dr. Abadie, Chairman CHMP, here.
Read the EMA adopted response to SANE Vax concerns here. (online version)
Read SANE Vax response to the EMA here.
Reply from the Department of Health:
Our ref: DE00000645764
Dear Mrs Birrell,
Thank you for your correspondence of 19 September to the ministers of the Department of Health about Gardasil. I have been asked to reply.
The Department is aware that this issue was recently considered by the European Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) and its Biologics Working Party (BWP) at their September meetings.
The CHMP takes very seriously any potential contamination issue and has considered all the available evidence in relation to the statements made about Gardasil in relation to HPV DNA.
The CHMP concluded that the presence of recombinant DNA fragments does not represent a case of contamination and is not considered to be a risk to vaccine recipients. The current benefit-risk balance of Gardasil was not considered to be affected by this information and Gardasil is considered to remain safe and effective.
On 23 September, the European Medicines Agency posted the CHMP’s response to the concerns raised by Sane Vax on its website, which can be found at
As with all vaccines and medicines, any emerging evidence relating to possible risks associated with the vaccine is carefully reviewed and, if appropriate, regulatory action is taken.
I hope this reply is helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Sarah Walker
Customer Service Centre
Department of Health
Godofredo Arauzo says
La eficacia científica de esta vacuna recién se determinará los años 2025-2030 porque las investigaciones se han iniciado la década del 2000. Desde su inicio hasta la aparición del Carcinoma del cuello uterino (CCU), demora en promedio 25 a 30 años El PVH definitivamente no origina el (CCU); en la aparición de esta patología intervienen múltiples factores de riesgo, entre ellos se sospecha que puede ser el PVH; sí está comprobado que el acto sexual es el que genera esta enfermedad: Mix en 130,000 monjas no halló ningún CCU.
Para aceptar que un virus a bacteria es el que origina una enfermedad tiene que cumplir indefectiblemente los 5 principios del Postulado de Koch: .
1- El agente debe estar presente en cada caso de la enfermedad y ausente en los sanos.
2- El agente no debe aparecer en otras enfermedades.
3- El agente ha de ser aislado en un cultivo puro a partir de las lesiones de la enfermedad.
4- El agente ha de provocar la enfermedad en un animal susceptible de ser inoculado.
5- El agente ha de ser aislado de nuevo en las lesiones de los animales en experimentación.
1. Principio: no se ha encontrado el PVH físico en ningún carcinoma del cuello uterino (CCU), se ha encontrado su ADN por inmunología, que puede interpretarse como que el virus está presente o que es un residuo inmunológico. y su detección por inmunología no se ha conseguido en todos los CCU sino hasta el 90% de CCU: No cumple este primer principio;
2. Principio: El agente aparece también en las verrugas no aparece solamente en los CCU: Tampoco cumple este principio;
3. Principio: No se ha aislado cultivando a partir de un CCU: No cumple este principio
4. Principio: Al inocular el PVH a un animal de laboratorio, produce la enfermedad. Cómo no se ha aislado del CCU, no se ha inoculado a un animal de laboratorio. Incumple este principio y
5. Como no se inoculó porque no se halló en un CCU, no reproduce el CCU. Incumplió también este principio.
En consecuencia, el PVH no cumple ningún principio del postulado de Koch. al no cumplir este postulado que es aceptado como dogma en el mundo, científicamente se puede asegurar que no es el agente causante del CCU.
Hasta Marzo de este año han muerto 95 niñas; hasta el 2009 se habían producido 20,000 reacciones adversas y más de mil daños invalidantes irreversibles. La VAERS informa: que han producido 376 Papanicolaou anormales; 108 verrugas anogenitales, 224 infecciones con el PVH, 41 cánceres del cuello uterino, 21,634 efectos adversos y 95 muertes, después de la vacunación. La VAERS asegura que se dan a conocer solamente del 1 al 10% de los efectos adversos y muertes por esta aciaga vacuna, en consecuencia se han producido 216,340 efectos adversos y 950 muertes solamente en USA y a todas los daños enumerados agregarles un cero.
La Dra. Harper, la que contribuyó a la elaboración de la vacuna por Merck, refiere que la vacuna no fue investigada en menores de 15 años y la vacuna dada a menores de 11 años es un gran experimento público.
La vacuna fue aprobada para dar a niñas no contaminadas con el PVH; el Dr.Howenstinc publica que si se vacuna a mujeres contaminadas con el PVH, tienen la posibilidad de adquirir el CCU en un 44.6%
La Sane vax ha descubierta la contaminación de la vacuna gardasil con el DNA del PVH y ha elevado su preocupación a la presidenta de la FDA Margaret Hamburg
Para introducir la vacuna están utilizando el marketing del miedo:
El PVH vive en los animales domésticos y silvestres; nos contaminamos desde que nacemos; se halla en las perillas de las puertas, en las toallas, en las uñas, en los fomites, en los guantes y espéculos de los ginecólogos. Se duda que el acto sexual sea el único medio de contaminación
EL PVH VIVE TAMBIÉN EN LOS 400 NANÓMETROS MÁS EXTERNOS DE NUESTRA PIEL, Sí vive en nuestra piel, nuestro sistema inmunológico produce inmunidad celular y humoral adquirida o sea que nuestro organismo está siendo vacunado EN FORMA NATURAL por los PVH que viven en nuestra piel y por inferencia podemos asegurar que también viven en las mucosas..
Esta vacuna es transgénica; las vacunas que se conocen, son de virus originales, SE DESCONOCE los daños que producirá y está preparada para prevenir la infección por los PVHs 16 y 18
Los PVHs no se distribuyen en el mundo de manera uniforme. Se ha comprobado que en el Canadá el PVH 18 sólo llega al 3%; es más frecuente el PVH 31; en mi patria Perú no hay estudios que hayan determinado que tipos de PVH predomina;
Esta vacuna contiene 225 mcg. de aluminio, sospechoso de producir el Alzheimer y el Polisorbatol 80 que es un anticonceptivo potente y en los animales de experimentación produce esterilidad; es carcinogénico y mutagénico; contiene además el borato de sodio considerado veneno; no usado en las preparaciones medicinales.
Por las razones expuesta desde el Perú, profundo, Huancayo, considero que esta vacuna es un Fraude?, Robo?, Estafa?, Burla?. No está comprobada científicamente por el momento; su eficacia se comprobará recién los años del 2025-2030.
Dr. Godofredo Arauzo
Teléfono: 05164252052
Godofredo Arauzo says
The scientific efficacy of this vaccine will be determined just the years 2025-2030 because research has begun the decade of 2000. From its inception until the appearance of carcinoma of the cervix (CCU), takes on average 25 to 30 years; definitely not the HPV causes the (CCU); in the onset of this disease involve multiple risk factors, among them are suspected to HPV. yes it is proven that sex generates this condition: Mix in 130.000 nuns found no CCU.
To accept that a bacteria or virus causes a disease inevitably have to fulfill the Koch’s Postulates:.
1 – The agent must be present in every case of the disease and absent in the healthy.
2 – The agent should not appear in other diseases.
3 – The agent must be isolated in pure culture from lesions of the disease.
4 – The agent has to cause the disease in an animal capable of being inoculated.
5 – The agent must be isolated from new lesions in experimental animals.
1. Principle: not found any physical HPV cervical carcinoma (CCU), has found only his DNA immunology, which can be interpreted as the virus is present or is a residual immunity. and immunological detection was not meet in all CCU;only 90% of CCU: does not fulfill this first principle;
2. Principle: The agent also appears in the warts does not appear only in the CCU: not satisfy this principle;
3. Principle: It have not been isolated cultivating from a growing CCU: Does not fulfill this principle
4. Principle: The HPV inoculate a laboratory animal, produces the disease; as it have not been isolated from the CCU, it has not inoculated to laboratory animal; violates this principle and
5. As it was not inoculated in laboratory animal because they was not found in a CCU, . also violated this principle.
Consequently, HPV does not fulfill any principle of the Koch’s postulates; this postulates is accepted as dogma in the scientists physicia world to ensure that it is the causative agent of the CCU.
Until March of this year, 95 girls had death; until 2009 had 20.000 adverse effects and more of one thausand disabled irreversible damage. The Vaccine Adverse Effects Reaction (VAERS) reports too that the vaccine produced abnormal Pap 376, anogenital warts 108, HPV infections 224, 41 cervical cancers, 21.634 adverse events and 95 death after vaccination. The VAERS say that is known only 1 to 10% of adverse effects and deaths from unlucky vaccine; therefore, have been 216.340 adverse effects and 950 death alone in the U.S. and all the damages listed add a zero.
Dra. Harper, who helped develop the vaccine by Merck, refers that the vaccine was not investigated in children under 15 years and the vaccine given to children under 11 years is a big public experiment.
The vaccine was approved for girls to not contaminated with HPV; Dr.Howenstinc say that if women infected with HPV is vaccinated, have the opportunity to acquire a 44.6% CCU
Sane vax has discovered that the vaccine is contaminated with the DNA HPV and has raised its concerns to the president of the FDA Margaret Hamburg
To introduce the vaccine are using the marketing of fear:
The HPVs lives in wild and domestic animals, we pollute us from first day of birth, is found in the doorknobs, in towels, in the nails, on fomites, in gloves and specula of gynecologists. It is doubtful that sex is the only means of contamination
The PVH live too in 400 nanometers more external of our skin; if he HPV live on our skin, our immune system produces cellular and humoral immunity or that our bodies are being vaccinated in a natural way; if the HPV live in our skin, by inference we can ensure that too they live too in the mucous membranes ..
This vaccine is genetically modified, the vaccines known are original virus known and the vaccine is prepared to prevent infection only by the HPV 16 and 18
The HPV is not distributed uniformly over the world. The HPV 18 has been found in Canada in only 3%, more common is HPV 31, in my country Peru there are no studies that established the predominant HPV types;
This vaccine contains 225 mcg. Aluminum, a suspected cause Alzheimer’s and Polisorbatol 80 which is a powerful contraceptive; in experimental animals produces sterility; is carcinogenic and mutagenic, also contains sodium borate considered poison, not used in medicinal preparations.
For the dangerous reasons from Peru, depth, Huancayo, I believe that this vaccine is a Fraud?, Robbery?, Swindle? , Rough joke?; it is not scientifically proven at the moment, its effectiveness, will be determinated just the years of 2025-2030.
Dr. Godfrey Arauzo
E mail: godo.ara @
Phone: 05164252052
Godofredo Arauzo says
They have identified 200 types of human papillomavirus, HPV infection is increasing, has reached epidemic proportions worldwide there is a psychosis PVH, through propaganda to introduce the vaccine by Merck, the prevalence of HPV infection in 1970 was 1%, in 1985 3% by high-sensitivity methods 85% of pregnant women; in the first quarter 40%, third quarter 60%, 17% in the postpartum period and about 6% in women without sexual contact, most are latent or subclinical, a minority are directly observed clinical, warts or warts or condyloma flat or inverted in the cervix; is widespread in the world; infects domestic and wild animals; is also transmitted at birth; has been detected in amniotic fluid, rubber gloves, biopsy forceps, specula, underwear, towels, on the floor, the toilet seat, nails, gyms, locker rooms of swimming pools is in the outer part of the skin ( Harper 2010) and others are regarded as commensals of the person with approximately 50% have an affinity for skin and mucous membranes of the anus, genital end of the shaft and upper respiratory and digestive tracts, 80% of women became infected during their lifetime, there are low-risk HPV are most benign and caused high-risk HPV suspected of being a cofactor in the development of most cervical cancer, HPV infection with 1 and 2 began in infancy and childhood causing warts disappear spontaneously and those located elsewhere in a latent or subclinical are diagnosed with very sophisticated techniques, live in the environment for a long time, is regarded as sexually transmitted disease most common but sexual transmission is not the only route of contamination, appears on the genitals of women when she start having sex. Is capricious and ubiquitous, appears and disappears from the body of the person, the highest incidence is in women aged 20 to 26 years disappear with age, may persist throughout life without causing any disturbance, to develop the infection requires microtrauma, such as during sexual act clash between the neck of the uterus with the penis; in 80% of women who havei HPV in your cervix disappear before the twelve months, by action of the immune system, in the rest 20% remain stationary or progress to dysplasia and only 1% can progress to carcinoma of the cervix after 15 to 20 years; only 1% progress to cervical cancer makes us think that in the development of cervical malignancy are involving other cofactors being the first and foremost the sexual act. Mix in 130, 000 nuns found no carcinoma of the cervix, followed by: tobacco, alcohol, herpes simplex virus 2, age of first intercourse, number of partners, cofactor man, economic factors, more frequent in women of low economic status , multiparity, circumcision, immune system disorders, hormonal contraception, environment and others.
In 1974 zur Hausen hypothesized that HPV was the agent that caused the cancer of the cervix and other researchers reported the same idea, but HPV does not fulfill Koch’s postulates, which is accepted as dogma in the scientific medical to be considered as the cause of cervical cancer; the HPV are too in other lesions, not only in cancer of the cervix (CCU), HPV is not in 100% of all cervical carcinomas, only their presence be found by immunological methods in 90%, has not found the natural or native virus and has not yet been replicated malignant tumors when injected the HPV in laboratory animals
The presence of HPV is not sufficient for the development of cervical malignancy, requires the company of several exogenous and endogenous cofactors
Our understanding of the relationship of HPV with the cofactors are still poor and the role of cofactors in the development of cervical malignancy are nebulous. Scientifically can ensures that HPV does not cause cervical carcinoma and HPV vaccine does not prevent less prevents cervical carcinoma, must be further research on the HPV and other cofactors.
Dr. Godfrey Arauzo
Huancayo PERU
E mail: godo.ara @
Godofredo Arauzo says
Huancayo Perú 15 de Febrero del 2012
Señor Ministro de Salud de Perú
De mi mayor consideración:
Me dirijo a Ud.. para hacer de conocimiento que EsSalud de Huancayo, La Libertad, Arequipa, Sabogal, Rebagliati y Almenara han iniciado la vacunación contra el papiloma virus humano (PVH) dice en su propaganda porque es el que causa el carcinoma del cuello uterino (CCU). Existen varios factores sospechosos que favorecen la aparición del CCU entre ellos el PVH; pero este virus no reúne el postulado de Koch para considerarlo como agente etiológico del CCU, como EsSalud y los fabricantes están promocionando en forma masiva. Esta vacuna está elaborada a partir de un virus de laboratorio; no tienen ningún estudio de toxicidad, se ha investigado en 11,000 y en solamente 5 años. Dicen que investigaron por métodos indirectos, hacer por métodos directos no era realista ni ético (Harper 2008). La vacuna fue autorizada por la FDA para su comercialización en sólo 6 meses y en España en 9 meses, cuando este plazo dura 3 años; antes de la autorización del Gardasil se probó en solamente 1,200 mujeres, se niegan las compañías que venden las vacunas a proporcionar datos sobre los dineros invertidos en la propaganda (Medicina Sistemática 11-2010). La vacuna fue autorizada para ser utilizada sólo en jóvenes que no habían iniciado sus relaciones sexuales pero están vacunando a mujeres de hasta los 45.años;. existen evidencias que sí se vacunan a mujeres infectadas con el PVH, se incrementaría el CCU en un 44.6 % ( Jara M 2010); el ensayo clínico fase II no ha sido publicado (Laurel AC 2009); la vacunación no está justificada, es un gran negocio (Red Científica 2009) y existe una descarada campaña publicitaria exagerando el riesgo (Cam-Men 2009); en España por investigaciones han determinado que prevenir un carcinoma del cuello uterino originado por el PVH, costaría 8 millones de euros lo que estadísticamente es inaceptable. Además la World Association for Cancer Research (WACR) dice a la letra que médica ni científicamente está demostrado que sea eficaz y en Europa se han formado dos asociaciones uno de cerca de15,000 investigadores de primera línea que se dedican al cáncer y otra asociación de familiares afectadas por la vacuna quienes solicitan una moratoria, hasta que se determine su eficacia, que será recién el 2025-2030. En USA se ha formado un grupo “ La verdad sobre el gardasil”de madres que piden que prohiban la mal llamada vacuna contra el carcinoma del cuello uterino a la que acusan de haber arruinado la vida de sus hijas e incluso en algunos casos de haberlas asesinado. La vacuna contra el PVH ni es eficaz, ni segura, ni previenen el cáncer del cuello uterino ( .
Según VAERS (siglas en inglés), Sistema de Reporte de Reacciones Adversas Provocadas por las Vacunas del gobierno de estados unidos, hasta la fecha solamente en USA se han producido 81 muertes y más de 20,000 reacciones adversas; de ellas entre el 6 % al 10 % eran graves y sólo se reportan el 1 % al 10%; extrapolando estoa datos entonces se han producido cerca de 200,000 reacciones adversas y 810 muertes ( VAERS Report 2009) En la India se suspendió la vacunación porque ocasionó 6 muertes (Dempeus 2010); después de la vacunación se presentaron dos muertes en Austria y uno en Alemania (Supositorio 2010); en Valencia una niña tuvo convulsiones después de la vacuna y actualmente permanece en silla de ruedas; otra adolescente de16 años después de vacunarse parece una persona de 50 años (Serra MJ 2009); en USA en Febrero del 2009 se presentaron 638 efectos adversos graves: 544 convulsiones, 34 trombosis, 9 paros cardíacos y 51 alopecias (Lleida 2009); después de la inyección se produjeron 28 abortos (GineBlog 2009); 35 niñas sufrieron reacciones graves, dos siguen hospitalizadas (elPeriodico.Com 2009); en Balear una niña sufrió 14 convulsiones por día después de la vacunación ( 2009); científicos de España, Alemania y Canadá exigen la moratoria de la vacuna hasta obtener pruebas sólidas de la seguridad y eficiencia (Lajornada 2009); su eficacia se determinará recién el 2025-2030 (cherada 2010); las vacunaciones son injustificadas y son un gran negocio ( Red Científica 2009) y el costo es elevado $ 1000 las 3 dosis.
El Dr. Bernat Soria Ministro de Sanidad de España expresa: “faltan estudios, sobran evidencias de sus efectos adversos y agota el presupuesto de salud pública”; el Dr. Carlos Alberto Dardet Catedrático de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Alicante, España y Director del Journal of Epidemiología and Community Health asegura que la vacuna contra el PVH es: Fraude?, Estafa?, Robo?; es el marketing del miedo; el investigador Juan Servas dice que es una tomadura de pelo a la salud de las mujeres.:
La industria farmacéutica introdujo medicamentos dañinos a la salud: el etilestilbestrol que se usó entre las décadas del 40 al 70 en mujeres, especialmente embarazadas; se prohibió su uso porque se comprobó que originaba el carcinoma de células claras en la vagina de las mujeres y alteraciones morfológicas en el árbol genitourinario; los estrógenos que favorecía el carcinoma de mama; gracias a la investigación de la Women Health Iniciative (WHI) se suspendió su uso; la thalidomina, el edulcorante aspartamo y últimamente el uso masivo y obligatorio innecesario de la vacuna contra la gripe A en complicidad con la OMS (Forcades 2009). Entre el 2000-2003 la casi totalidad de las compañías farmacéuticas de USA pasaron por los tribunales acusados de prácticas fraudulentas y obligadas a pagar más de 2.2 billones de dólares; 4 de ellas reconocieron su responsabilidad por actuaciones criminales ( .
Por las razones invocadas solicito a su despacho, Señor Ministro, emitir una resolución declarando moratoria de la vacuna contra el papiloma virus humano, hasta que se determine su eficacia que será recién entre el 2035-2040; nuestras compatriotas no sean conejillo de indias de las transnacionales y el estado no dilapide sus magros recursos en una vacuna incierta, en etapa de experimentación y no comprobado su eficacia médica ni científica.
Dr. Godofredo Arauzo
E mail:
Teléfono 05164252052