By Norma Erickson, medical consumer advocate
During 2020 society has been turned upside-down by government health officials’ response to the “COVID 19 pandemic”. Billions of people are witnessing their formerly productive lives descend into chaos as a result of lockdowns, social distancing, and masking requirements. None of these measures appear to have much impact on the disease progression or mortality. Yet, official sources continue to issue dire warnings and additional draconian measures to ‘stop the spread’.
Meanwhile, citizens around the globe wonder if there is any chance of returning to normal. Their lives and those of their families depend on it. The vast majority of them are willing to do whatever they can to help everyone return to their previously productive lives. People want to know what they can do to accomplish this goal.
The problem is no one seems to be able to explain how we got to this point or what to do about restoring normal operations. In order to determine how to proceed, one must have an understanding of how we got here. Let’s take a look at previous vaccination policies.
Vaccination Policy Development
Throughout history vaccines have been promoted under the banner of public health and safety. Government officials believed they were taking care of their citizens by ensuring vaccines were approved to combat diseases which posed a substantial threat to those they were elected, or appointed, to serve. The public was assured only those vaccines which were proven to be safe and effective would be approved for general use.
All of these promises gave parents a certain sense of security. Most parents went on about their business of making a living and raising their families, secure in the knowledge that government agencies would protect their children from some of life’s most dreaded diseases.
Initially, all seemed to be going reasonably well. Parents around the world were confident their children would no longer have to suffer the debilitating effects of polio, tetanus, typhoid, diphtheria, measles, mumps, and rubella. Most parents were more than happy to have this weight lifted off their shoulders.
Unfortunately, all did not turn out as promised. Some children suffered severe reactions after the administration of these supposedly safe, affordable, necessary and effective vaccines. Parents increasingly came to rely on the court system to help pay mounting medical bills and obtain justice for their injured children.
Rather than pause vaccination programs to find out what was going wrong, vaccine manufacturers chose to go to Congress and threaten to stop producing childhood vaccines because there was too much liability involved. This was enough to strike fear into the hearts of politicians. No one wanted to run the risk of being blamed for a resurgence of ‘deadly’ childhood diseases.
So, in 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Program virtually eliminating liability for the manufacturers. Over the next fifteen years or so, vaccines for seven more diseases were added to the childhood immunization schedule: Hib, Hepatitis B, Varicella (chickenpox), rotavirus, hepatitis A, pneumococcal, and influenza. Many of these vaccines required multiple doses. Vaccines became a considerable benefit to pharma’s bottom line.
Manufacturers realized parents would only subject their infants to so many injections, so they looked for alternative ways to expand the market. In 2005, a Tdap booster was recommended for pre-teens. This was quickly followed in 2006 by a recommendation for HPV vaccines which could be administered beginning around age 11, again in multiple doses.
This turned out to be a huge mistake. Prior to recommending vaccines for teens, vaccine recipients had either been children who were primarily too young to explain how they felt after the injection or old enough that any concerns about side effects could be discounted as the effects of old age and/or senility. Teens and young adults presented a new problem. They were old enough to have a health history and perfectly capable of explaining what was going on in their bodies when they experienced adverse reactions.
Adverse event reports began pouring in at an unprecedented rate. Any country where HPV vaccines were used started receiving reports of serious, life-threatening events and sometimes unexplainable deaths after administration of the new HPV vaccines. After less than ten years on the market, HPV vaccine injury reports accounted for nearly 25% of the entire U.S. VAERS database. This was no small accomplishment, considering the fact that the vaccine adverse event reporting system database had been established decades prior to the FDA approval of HPV vaccines.
Despite all efforts of HPV vaccine stakeholders to minimize the problem, HPV vaccine survivors and their parents continued to speak out. They established networks where they could communicate with each other because it was abundantly clear none of the vaccine stakeholders would listen. It didn’t take long for these networks to circle the globe.
Scientists and medical professionals began to see there was a problem and try to find answers. Who was most susceptible to adverse reactions? Why were some recipients suffering so much when others were apparently unscathed? Was there any way to determine whether the new medical conditions were adverse reactions to the vaccine? Nearly all professionals who investigated these questions were ostracized by their peers.
Litigation efforts began in multiple countries. However, these lawsuits had a huge advantage over previous vaccine injury cases. For the first time in history, law firms from around the world shared information with each other. If someone needed data or an expert witness, several other firms were ready, willing and able to provide any information they had to help HPV vaccine survivors and their families obtain justice.
For the first time in history, vaccine manufacturers and stakeholders were faced with a global push-back. No matter what they did, the protests would not go away.
In spite of the global campaign against continued administration of HPV vaccines, vaccine stakeholders applied for and obtained permission to add a meningococcal vaccine to the CDC recommended schedule in 2014.
What is wrong with this picture?
The medical industrial complex failed to consider ‘new medical conditions’ occurring after vaccine administration might be related to recent injections. The medical industrial complex failed to try to determine who might be susceptible to serious adverse reactions and why. The medical industrial complex failed to develop standardized diagnostic criteria for autoimmune conditions which are common and may occur months, or even years, after vaccine administration. Without standardized diagnostic criteria, effective treatment protocols are nearly impossible to develop.
Instead, vaccine stakeholders chose to marginalize, ridicule and vilify those who suffered after vaccine administration. Terms like ‘psychogenic, mass hysteria, all-in-your-head, faking symptoms to get attention, and on and on and on…’ became all too common.
Using tactics like this to ignore those who suffer and yes, even die after vaccine administration is nothing short of a crime against humanity.
For decades, parents and advocates fought to change this situation. Small battles were won along the way, but the war continued. Vaccine stakeholders appeared to be untouchable.
Parents trying to restore their children’s health became desperate. They learned to do their own research, discover the facts and act on them. Now, parents appear to have the upper hand. They have access to the science. When they stand together, they have a phenomenal amount of strength.
The evidence is clear – vaccine stakeholders are afraid. Otherwise, there would be no effort to censor open scientific debates. There would be no effort to silence those with honest questions about vaccines. There would be no effort to hide the raw data from clinical trials. Transparency would be the rule of the day. Scientists and medical professionals would not be marginalized or punished for doing their jobs.
Are we in the middle of a paradigm shift?
According to Malcolm Gladwell, the “tipping point” is “that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.” (Crossman)
Historically speaking, paradigms shift dramatically when 10% of the general population changes their mind. This phenomenon has been called ‘reaching the tipping point’. Not only has that tipping point been reached, but the evidence below indicates that this proverbial ‘tipping point’ was reached quite some time ago.
In 2018, the Wellcome Trust published the “Wellcome Global Monitor.” This was the first study ever conducted to determine public attitudes toward science and health around the world. Chapter 5 of this publication focused on public opinion regarding the safety, efficacy and usefulness of vaccines.
Let’s take a look at what their survey revealed.
It is painfully obvious to the most casual observer according to the responses in these charts, the Wellcome Trust discovered that the wheels on the vaccine income train were just a bit wobbly. What did the vaccine stakeholders do with this information?
Did they take a step back and say, “Maybe we have a problem with some of our vaccines or vaccination policies. Perhaps we should examine the situation a bit more closely. Maybe we need to find out why some people seem to be more susceptible to adverse reactions than others. Maybe we need to consider eliminating the susceptible individuals from future vaccination campaigns.”???
No! They did not. Apparently, they decided to put forth a last-ditch effort to keep their vaccine-income train rolling along.
Could the current coronavirus scare be that ‘last-ditch effort’?
Take an objective look at the situation we are in right now. The vast majority of people around the world are sequestered in their homes for fear of a virus which claims the life of less than 1% of those who become infected. Rules of law and Constitutional rights, not to mention basic human rights, have been suspended around the globe for the first time in the history of mankind. Government officials are deciding which businesses and activities are essential and ordering all others to shut down to try and limit the spread of this virus.
Apparently, the virus can be kept out of some businesses while invading those establishments which don’t have several million dollars-worth of assets without mercy. We are ordered to wear masks and maintain social distancing to help ‘flatten the curve’. Around the world, middle and low-income families are told to do their part by staying home while government officials conduct business as usual. Millions of families around the globe are facing the very real prospect of financial ruin while those issuing these draconian orders continue to receive their normal salaries and benefits.
We are told these conditions will continue until such time as a vaccine is developed for a variant of a virus that has been studied since the 1960’s with no vaccine forthcoming. In all probability, by the time a vaccine is developed it will not be effective because viruses mutate so quickly. Yet, we are told the only solution to this ‘crisis’ is vaccinating virtually the entire world with fast-tracked experimental vaccines.
Although this picture looks bleak, there is another perspective that must be understood. All of these outrageous draconian measures have opened the eyes of people on a world-wide basis. They are looking for answers. They want the truth and will accept nothing less.
The pioneers who came before us got the world to the tipping point. The corona virus scare turned that tipping point into a global tsunami of questions about vaccines and vaccination policies.
The general public is now asking questions they wouldn’t have dreamed of asking a few short months ago and demanding answers to those questions.
Where do we go from here?
The first step is to make sure people receive honest science-based answers to their questions. Ultimately, what the public does with those answers is up to them.
Society as a whole is on a precipice. There are two directions people can go. They can choose to succumb to fear and condemn the world to living under the conditions created by that fear; OR, they can choose to stand as one and build a world where manufactured fear has no place.
The world we leave to our descendants depends on the choices we make as individuals right now. Will we succumb to fear or, will we take advantage of this magic moment in time to create the world where generations to come can survive and thrive?
Imagine the possibilities. Standing shoulder to shoulder we can create a world where:
- Every family affected by vaccine injury has an international support network
- Every country has an organization that ‘follows the money’ and shines a light on the recipients
- Scientific papers cannot be published without disclosing all raw data and all funding sources
- Scientific and medical debates are open to the public
- Censorship is not allowed
- Pharmaceutical companies are held liable for the safety and efficacy of all products they manufacture
- Governments and government agencies are not allowed to make medical decisions for their constituents
- Pharmaceutical manufacturers are forbidden to provide funds to educational institutions
- The medical industrial complex is forbidden to form public-private partnerships
- Corporate influence over public health departments is not allowed
- Should a discovery be made using public funds, the income from any patents goes back to the taxpayers
- The FDA is responsible for food supply only
- An independent expert organization has the responsibility for reviewing medications, biologics and medical devices to certify them safe, affordable, necessary and effective.
- Medical professionals are allowed to care for each of their patients as individuals using whatever treatment option(s) they deem best for that patient
- Schools are for education, not medical interventions
- There is an international team of attorneys to protect whistleblowers to the fullest extent of the law
- There is a cap on the amount of public funding institutions or individuals can receive in a given year
- Any new medical condition occurring after vaccination is recorded as a potential side-effect
- There are financial penalties imposed for failure to report suspected adverse reactions
- There is an international network of doctors developing standard diagnostic criteria
- There is an international network of doctors developing successful treatment protocols
- There is an international network of scientists examining health and health-related issues
- Medical mandates are illegal
- Medical choices are between you and your provider
- Informed consent is mandatory for all medical interventions, including vaccines
This cannot be accomplished by any single organization. Perhaps it cannot be done by several organizations. But if everyone concerned about the current medical industrial complex stands together and supports each other – A NEW PARADIGM CAN BE CREATED!
Remember to concentrate on creation. Destruction has no place in our world.
Industries which refuse to respect, protect and preserve human life will simply become obsolete under the new paradigm. Putting profit before people will no longer be tolerated.
The time has come to let the pharmaceutical industry know we will not go quietly into the night.
peter duesberg says
Absolutely support Ericksons reservations.
Allen says
Where do we go from here the corrupted puppet governments should be tried for crimes against humanity including bloody blair and bush all sub humanity total evil the flu virus hoax is now recognised by the majority of people and doctors this virus as told by controlled media has never been proven the god of the so called elite is dead along with the perpetrators of this lie and life will get back to where humanity can live life again and the rest will have there own hell
Allen says
Sandy Lunoe says
The chaos and unfathomable suffering in the world which are being caused by government health officials’ response to the “COVID 19 pandemic” is a tragedy of such dimension that it is hard to believe.
Vaccination policy development is described with reference to manufacturers’ strategies for increasing profit and their lack of interest regarding children who suffered severe reactions.
HPV vaccines account for nearly 25% of the entire U.S. VAERS database. The author of the article has published a very special book, “Journeys from Trust to Tragedy” about countless young people from many countries who suffer deeply after HPV vaccines. Despite their suffering many across the world have managed to share their stories in the book so that others may be helped.
The “Wellcome Global Monitor” study referred to in the article is a true eye opener, revealing much negative public opinion in many countries regarding the issues of safety, efficacy and usefulness of vaccines.
There are strong signals that the public is becoming increasingly negative towards the COVID 19 vaccines as they learn more about potential side effects.
The long-term side effects of these experimental, fast-tracked vaccines are obviously unknown. Fast-tracking is always risky as some of the normally required safety testing is omitted.
Some COVID 19 vaccines include synthetic genes which will be incorporated into vaccine recipients’ own DNA, potentially causing permanent alteration of genetic makeup, mutations in DNA, activation of cancer causing genes, autoimmunity and blood clots.
Several vaccines contain the squalene adjuvant AS03 which was present in the fast-tracked swine flu vaccine Pandemrix and was causally linked to narcolepsy and other serious autoimmune conditions.
AS03 also contains polysorbate which when injected may increase risk of serious side effects and renders the blood-brain barrier more porous so that substances may pass through the barrier into the brain tissue.
Additionally, there is the serious risk of “vaccine enhancement”, where the COVID 19 vaccines can actually make the disease far worse when a vaccinated person is infected with the virus.
It seems obvious that the strategy of health authorities and other vaccine promoters is to keep populations nervous and under control until “the magic corona vaccines are here to save everybody”.
The many possibilities which are suggested in the article to create a “world where generations to come can survive and thrive” is inspiring and leads to optimism. It has certainly given inspiration to add to the list – and to make a promise!
We who truly care about you will stand together and do our best to create a better and safer world for generations to come,
a world where human life is respected, protected and preserved,
where governments are not permitted to use fear to control the people,
where it is respected that people own their bodies and that nobody can force or mandate medicines, treatments or tests on anyone,
a world where corruption and criminality in governments, the pharmaceutical industry, the medical and judicial establishments will not be tolerated,
where medicines and vaccines are independently tested for potential interactions, long-term conditions, cancer-causing properties, potential genetic effects and damage, impairment of fertility, injuries to the unborn child, neurological including brain damage…
where both negative and positive information from clinical studies including uncompleted studies are published,
where manufacturers of medicines and vaccines do not conceal the presence of any ingredients due to trade secrets,
where manufacturers of medicines and vaccines publish in detail the methods of manufacture,
where unbiased information about medicines, vaccines or treatments is always provided,
where doctors and other health professionals learn from unbiased sources about potential injuries which may be caused by medicines, vaccines or other medical interventions,
where all injuries are reported and followed up and it is ensured that the injured and their families receive medical and legal support and care,
where the media is well qualified, unbiased and presents honest, balanced information,
where censorship of information is not allowed,
a world where governments and others prioritize access to clean water, good nutrition, clean air and healthy living facilities, all of which help towards strong immunity….
– A better world, without fear and full of honest well-wishers!
Allen says
first of all they will kick the can down the road with this flu virus until they get want they want there vaccine for the whole world which i strongly recommend you do not have.There is not much to say as forces will not let it go back to normal as people will just follow the agenda its up to the people if they want to go back to the way it should be let face it its only a few psychopaths that control the evil system now and the the majority of the people out number the few just look at the destructive lock downs only a few to put country’s under house arrest and we follow so the way it is now there will be no normal any more the world will be a concentration camp but worse nuder this coming tyrant
Joe WIlliamson says
Do any of you folks say that viruses aren’t real?