By The Alliance for Human Research Protection
We are no longer “blowin’ in the wind.” A growing number of prominent physician-scientists, including several former journal editors, and New York Times columnists, have written sobering critiques about the corrupting impact pharmaceutical industry influence has had on medicine.
For years, the Alliance for Human Research Protection has been disseminating news reports documenting the corrosive impact the intermingling of academic medicine and the pharmaceutical industry has had on the integrity of medical research and clinical practice. In 2002, I made a presentation about conflicts of interest at a symposium sponsored by the U.S. Army Medical Department, in which I included my “dirty dozen” corrupt research review practices that undermine both the safety of human subjects and the integrity of the research findings.
When we observed that not only the pharmaceutical industry, but physician-scientists, academic institutions, and medical journals are all invested in “keeping up appearances” rather than preserving the integrity of science, and honest medicine, we were ridiculed or dismissed as being “anti-science.”
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