[SaneVax: Australia recently banned the use of Fluvax in children under the age of five. CSL admitted that a flaw in their manufacturing process was to blame for excessive autoimmune responses, including febrile seizures and convulsions, in young children. The company will not comment on whether or not they plan to compensate the victims of […]
Australian government continues use of dangerous flu vaccine
By Meryl Dorey (NaturalNews) Australian health authorities, demonstrating a shocking disregard for the safety of health consumers, have awarded the discredited vaccine manufacturer, CSL, an AUD $117 million, four-year contract to supply flu shots for anyone over the age of 10. In 2010, CSL’s vaccine, Fluvax, caused hundreds of children to be hospitalized, leading to the […]
Gardasil Contamination and the ‘State of Play’ Down Under
By Naomi Snell, Australian Contributing Author, Gardasil Victim and Advocate A Senior Executive of the Australian distributor of Gardasil, CSL, has allegedly admitted to an Australian journalist that, “Gardasil may potentially have detectable fragments of DNA,” which she described as “expected residuals from the manufacturing process, present in very small quantities.” This revelation came after SaneVax […]
CSL influenza vaccine investigation 'inadequate'
By Nick Evans, Perth Now US REGULATORS have hammered Australian vaccine maker CSL over its “inadequate” investigation of manufacturing problems that may have led to severe reactions in children given the flu vaccine last year. In April last year Australian health authorities withdrew CSL’s season flu vaccine from use in children under five after 23 […]