By Norma Erickson June 19 2014, Logroño, Spain: Attorney Don Manuel Sáez Ochoa filed a criminal complaint against Merck-Sanofi Pasteur Laboratories, Spanish National Health authorities, and the regional health authorities of the La Rioja province on behalf of Zuriñe Jiménez Guereño and her mother Doña Maria del Carmen Jiménez Guereño for injuries and disabilities suffered […]
Spain: First case filed against HPV vaccine manufacturers and health authorities
Spain: First case filed against HPV vaccine manufacturers and health authorities By Alicia Capilla (President of AAVP) AAVP, together with law firm Almodóvar & Jara, filed the first of a long series of lawsuits for damages caused by HPV vaccines. The complaint is filed in the High Court against health authorities and vaccine manufacturers. The […]
HPV Vaccines in Spain: What happened to ‘first do no harm’?
Do No Harm By Alicia Capilla, In direct response to what appears to be a total disregard for the health and safety of young women by the National Health Authorities of Spain regarding HPV vaccination policies, AAVP (Association of people Affected by HPV Vaccines) and La Liga para la Libertad de Vacunación (League for Vaccination […]
Spain Questions the Wisdom of HPV Vaccinations
[SaneVax: The recent death of a 13 year-old girl after her second injection has prompted citizens of Spain to voice their concerns about the wisdom of their country’s HPV vaccination program. The fact that the young girl received the second injection despite having a severe asthmatic response requiring hospitalization after the first injection raises additional questions. […]
Breaking News: Your Opportunity to Help Spain Ban HPV Vaccines
Madrid: Medical professionals, vaccine-injury victims, public health experts, scientists and vaccine safety advocates have joined forces to formally demand the Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Policy remove HPV vaccines from the immunization schedule and establish a compensation fund for those who have suffered adverse effects from vaccines. On Tuesday, 9 October 2012, Don Carlos Álvarez […]