By: Dr. Charles Barta, Green Valley News and Sun Gardasil. The first vaccine that prevents cancer. A miracle on the level of the polio vaccine (at least according to Texas Gov. Rick Perry). No more young women dropping dead in the streets form cervical cancer. Am I exaggerating? I personally saw how Gardasil was presented […]
Consumer-Engaged Prevention of Cervical Cancer
Instructions for cervical cancer prevention from one of the world’s foremost experts on cervical cancer pathology and the purported role human papillomavirus infections play in the development of the disease.
Government Denies HPV Vaccine Role in Reported Deaths
Vamban News
New Delhi, Aug 27, 2010
The government Friday denied that Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines were responsible for the reported deaths from Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat.
‘In Andhra Pradesh among 14,091 vaccinated girls, five deaths have been reported whereas in Gujarat two deaths