From initial infection until the appearance of cervical carcinoma (UCC) takes an average 25 to 30 years. The research of this vaccine began in the 1990’s. It is evident that the scientific efficacy of this new vaccine will be determined somewhere around the years 2025 – 2040. HPV has not been established as THE cause […]
Open Letter to Minister of Health, Peru
By Dr. Godfrey Araujo 07 January 2011 Huancayo Peru Minister of Health of Peru Lima SUBJECT: REQUEST MORATORIUM ON HPV VACCINE NOT BE TESTED FOR MEDICAL OR SCIENTIFIC TO PREVENT CERVICAL CARCINOMA; NEWLY FOUND BETWEEN 2025-2030. Of my highest consideration: I am writing. knowledge to make EsSalud of Huancayo, La Libertad, Arequipa, Sabogal, Rebagliati and […]